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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Application of nanotechnologies for separation and recovery of volatile organic compounds from waste air streams

Final Report Summary - ANVOC (Application of nanotechnologies for separation and recovery of volatile organic compounds from waste air streams)

The aim of the ANVOC project was to unify and coordinate the efforts and disseminate the knowledge generated by scientists regarding the application of nanotechnologies for separation and recovery of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from waste air streams. Therefore, a symposium was organised, primarily focusing on young scientists and students, in an attempt to motivate the effective cooperation of academic and scientific researchers with representatives of the industry.

The symposium achievements were significant, since it:
1. offered the opportunity to share and transfer knowledge among experts in the field of VOC removal;
2. created a large group of international institutions engaged in membrane technology;
3. presented the results of research and development activities;
4. demonstrated the use of different membrane materials in gas separation;
5. identified the membrane types that were utilised for the recovery of VOCs;
6. brought together a wide range of experts, representing different sectors and backgrounds, who were interested in air quality;
7. created possibilities of launching new instances of research and development (R&D) cooperation;
8. disseminated the obtained results.

The event was organised by the project consortium, which finalised the symposium dates so as to ensure the maximum possible number of participants and invited lecturers to increase the project impact. Moreover, sponsorships for the invited speakers were ensured by the industry. The symposium was organised in four sessions and attracted a significant number of international experts. The outcomes of the event were disseminated through the design of the project website, the publication of the symposium proceedings and the promotion of ANVOC in television broadcastings.