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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-28

Europe Africa Marine Network


EAMNet aims to construct a network linking Earth Observation (EO) information providers, user networks and centres of excellence in Europe and Africa in the area of coastal and marine observations towards sustainable development in Africa. The network will undertake capacity building and maintenance and build upon existing infrastructure and expertise in Africa. The overall aim is to improve the exploitation of EO data for coastal and oceanic monitoring towards an Africa-wide observation system (GOOS-Africa). It will provide an interface between European GMES-related core and downstream services and R&D projects (notably MyOcean) and African initiatives (e.g. AMESD) with the emerging GMES-Africa initiative. It will also provide further links with GEO. Specifically, EAMNet will: •Promote exploitation of existing and new marine EO data streams produced in Europe and Africa (e.g. MyOcean, OSI-SAF and DevCoCast) and disseminate the data using fast and reliable systems (GEONETCast) • Harmonize and contribute to the evolution and improvement of application of these data • Improve the coverage of the marine GEONETCast reception network • Contribute to existing training courses undertaken in AMESD, DevCoCast and other initiatives • Develop EO specific modules within the courses of three African Universities • Coordinate R&D activities in Africa with GMES projects in Europe and promote best-practice through targeted exchange of personnel and open fellowships • Connect the African and EU marine communities by co-organizing yearly symposia (in parallel with the alternating AARSE and AMESD meetings), maintaining a web site and publishing a regular newsletter • Identify the requirements of the African stakeholders for the provision of GMES services • Contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan for GMES and Africa Partnership resulting from the Lisbon Process on “GMES and Africa” and planned to be endorsed at the next EU-Africa Summit.

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€ 296 464,17
PL1 3DH Plymouth
Vereinigtes Königreich

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