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Knowledge and Excellence in European Nanotechnology - Regions

Final Report Summary - KEEN-REGIONS (Knowledge and Excellence in European Nanotechnology - Regions)

Executive summary:

4.1.1 Executive summary.

Nanotechnology is an area which has highly promising prospects for turning fundamental research into successful innovations. The potential applications of nanotechnology are wide-ranging and rapidly increasing, demonstrating a field that has the potential to act as a powerful catalyst for economic development.

To gain a competitive position in this exciting terrain and to foster industrial innovation, EU research infrastructures require more and more resources: multidisciplinary competencies, investments for up-to-date technical equipment, skilled human resources and strong links to the business community. To this end, many well-established research centres in Europe are working in research-driven clusters, aggregates of key players who are not just researchers, but networks of competitive companies and public authorities.

Project Context and Objectives:

4.1.2 A summary description of project context and objectives.

Nanotechnology is a very promising area for the future of European knowledge-based economy, as the potential applications are broad and the impact for the local economic development is high. Anyway to gain a competitive position in this exciting field, it is mandatory to have excellent research infrastructures, multidisciplinary competencies, investments for up-to-date technical equipment, skilled human resources, and strong links to the business community. This is the reason why many well-established research centres in Europe are working in research-driven clusters, aggregating key-players such as researchers, competitive companies and public authorities.

In detail KEEN Regions has aimed to:
1. Enhance transnational, interregional mutual learning through:
a. Mapping and collecting information about the mutual potentialities
b. Building of relationships and deepening the mutual knowledge through learning visits
2. Improve links between regional authorities, research entities and the local business community through:
a. Fostering the cooperation and the integration among actors in order to build common practices and initiatives
b. Highlighting the best practices running in each cluster, and defining their transferability
c. Enlarging the linkages through the involvement of four associate areas
3. Foster transnational co-operations in areas of common interest through:
a. Identifying concrete topics for integration
b. Co-operating to develop and implement some common initiatives
4. Develop a joint action plan at the European level through:
a. Performing a technical feasibility assessment
b. Developing a Joint Action Plan (JAP)
c. Defining the JAP's economic sustainability.

Project Results:

4.1.3 A description of the main S&T results/foregrounds.

KEEN Regions developed a smart methodology based on three steps (mapping and analysis of existing resources, mutual learning and research driven integration). The project has been aimed at delivering a strategic analysis at policy level on perceived needs and feasible solutions in the three partner regions. A bottom-up approach has marked the whole process leading to the setting up of a Joint Action Plan.

1 STEP: Mapping and comparing local resources and infrastructures to ease reciprocal knowledge between partners

KEEN Regions partners initially undertook a mapping and analysis phase to recognize their own knowledge resources and research infrastructures. Having a clear picture of what is going on at local level in the nanotechnology sector was a preliminary step for each partner to update on its own resources and to get information about others' experiences. A structured questionnaire for the relevant research centres in each region was designed so as to gather quantitative data on:
-scientific personnel profile
-research potentiality

and to determine the research focus of each centre. Overall, thirty institutes and laboratories in the three regions were assessed to get an overview of the research potential: in detail, facilities, equipment, researchers/technicians, financial resources, research potentialities and international collaboration initiatives were investigated.

As a consequence of their significant differences, it emerged that a sectorial approach would have only partially benefited the involved RDCs. It was agreed instead to work on common problems and needs, adopting a horizontal approach. The main proposals concerned:
-the setting up of tools to establish networking relations,
-fostering synergies and promoting the sense of belonging to the KEEN community, as necessary means to maximize the use of the research infrastructures, to encourage relations between researchers and to ensure the sustainability of the results of the project beyond its end.

Proposal for actions then included tools for:
-increasing positive awareness among companies on the effects and applications of Nano,
-promoting the commercialisation of research, by means of customizing technology according to the needs of the companies and offering targeted coaching services.

As a result of the analysis, in Veneto a mix of European, national and regional sources granted the set-up of the Italian technology cluster for nanotechnologies (2003), and the related research infrastructures and equipment. Notwithstanding business collaborations with companies and the sponsorship of a local bank for the organisation of the business competition Nanochallenge, public funding remains crucial to support the cluster activities. In the Basque Country a clear vision was developed through the launch of the nanoBasque strategy (2008) and the establishment of CIC nanoGUNE. Several regional programmes support the research infrastructures and fund collaborative projects between companies and research centres, with the aim to extend the use of nanotechnologies to traditional sectors. In Rhône-Alpes, Micro and nanotechnologies are a major research focus and massive investments from the public sector come from both the national and the regional level. Development has been fast since Minatec was established (2002). Nanotechnology is also largely supported by the private sector, as Rhône-Alpes hosts the most important industrial cluster in France in the field of Micro-electronics and nanotechnology thanks to the presence of big companies.

Finally, a SWOT analysis performed by each RDC on the basis of data previously collected allowed further comparison between the different areas and the identification of possible complementarities. Despite some clashing differences, mostly concerning the amount and size of industries engaged in nanotechnology and the visibility of Nano-related activities at local/international level, potential areas of improvement and possible complementarities between the three partner regions were detected:
-Advanced R&D conducted in research centres has to be transferred smoothly to SMEs and to the market, research-to-business cooperation surging as a fundamental topic,
-Awareness about nanotechnology applications has to be raised among the business community, so as to create a dynamic critical mass of companies at local level,
-The three research driven clusters can learn to optimize and take advantage of international collaboration opportunities and projects.

STEP 2 - Mutual learning

In parallel with the mapping and analysis phase, the partners got to know each other better adopting a mutual learning approach. This phase moved from the idea that promoting mutual knowledge is an essential condition to foster joint participation and collaboration between project partners by means of improving links between regional authorities, research entities and the local business communities. Recognising that people communicate better on an individual level, one such mechanism was to develop personal networks for the trading of knowledge.

26 transferable best practices on nanotechnology initiatives, programmes and funding schemes were identified by the partners. A transferability plan, providing the necessary information to assess if the best practice is transferable and how to import it, was aimed to give suggestions to the partners concerning possible new actions. Also, the exchange of the best practices resulted very useful for selecting the common topics of interest for future developments at local and at transregional level. In particular, three macro-topics of common interest were identified by the partners:
-Fostering and improving the cooperation among research and business;
-Stimulating the generation process of innovative ideas;
-Supporting the development of an instrument for the international mobility of researchers.

Taking cues from the International Context Analysis, KEEN Regions partners reflected upon the need to boost communication of nanotechnologies at a transversal level to reach all target groups with different goals and different means. It resulted that:

-Communication inside the research community is not fluid enough: several chances to cooperate and valorise synergies (for instance through joint research projects or purchase committee) are missed and the researchers at both local and transnational level could be better connected;
-Communication towards the business side is not effective: entrepreneurs need to see and understand how nanotechnologies could solve their problems;
-Communication towards the public opinion is insufficient: there is the need to develop a positive attitude towards Nano among the public, in order to get people accustomed to this technology.

STEP 3 - Research driven integration

The research driven integration phase moved from the synthesis of the previous results, with the aim to propose agreed solutions to common problems among the three research driven clusters.

A working group methodology was adopted, so that the in-depth analysis of the three macro-topics was carried out by three groups, which discussed and identified feasible initiatives at local and trans-regional level. Each group adopted its own methodology of work to come out with concrete proposals for action. WG1 on SMEs - Research Relationship: How to foster the use of research infrastructure for SMEs gathered GAIA, Minalogic, CIDETEC, CRACA, SPRI, and NANOGUNE. The working group started off from the conclusions of the analysis phase, which detected an insufficient cooperation among researchers and business actors and poor awareness on potentialities of the nanotech sector in the KEEN Regions. As a first step, WG1 participants proceeded to classify companies according the activities carried out in R&D. This classification proved necessary to envisage alternative ways of approaching nanotechnologies for SMEs and to foster their collaboration with research centres. In light of the elements collected, two main recommendations were given by the working group:
-dissemination activities for industries focusing on innovation related to Nano need to be adjusted according to the type of 'audience'. In the dissemination strategy, the following issues are key:

-Nano is an Enabling Technology,
-Nano needs to take care of the image: not green, etc…,
-Nano is a breakthrough.

-alternative ways to maximize the use of research infrastructures and to improve the SMEs-research relationship need to be investigated.

The members of this WG went through case studies in the three regions and also benchmarked some case studies abroad like the Israeli one. From all these case studies, they defined a set of actions to increase fruitful cooperation between SMEs and research.

The project was broken down into four stages:
-Brainstorming by those interested in the project;
-Identification of stakeholders essential to project implementation and possessing skills or equipment superior to those used in the KEEN Regions project. This stage highlighted the need to attract talented young students and researchers in design schools, and to involve not only designers in the applied research and experimental development work, but also integrators and other companies capable of implementing the project in a real-world context;
-Identification of project sites; the partners selected three sites particularly conducive to local involvement;
-Project fund raising, for both the research and on-site implementation (in-situ demonstration) phases.

The concept idea stemming from the simulation of an idea generation process allowed drawing some general considerations:
-A demand-led approach is key to stimulate innovation in the nanotech sector,
-Research partners often possess the technology but they need to adapt it to create marketable products,
-Companies willing to share the risks with research partners and having the potential for commercializing the product offer some guarantees on the relevance and innovative potential of the idea,
-Once investors understand the benefits of developing the technology or promoting the product, event, or location involved, they become actively involved in sharing both the costs and innovation- related risks,
-A strategy to develop research-business partnership for sharing technological advancements and innovation-related risks has to be put in place,
-Project fundraising activities result a complex task, and synergies among public funding and private sources of funding need to be exploited.

WG3 on Joint Mobility schemes gathered Veneto Innovazione, Veneto Region and SPRI (the owner of the Ikerbasque best practice). Once considered the vast potential impact of improving incoming mobility policies in the KEEN Regions, concrete measures to improve the foreign researchers' attraction capabilities of regions were considered the focus of the working group. The methodology of work was split into two main activities:
-A desk research, aimed to collect and analyse the regional policies in the KEEN regions for attracting foreign researchers and other experiences in top performing EU regions;
-Brainstorming on proposals for action which could be included in the Joint Action Plan at local and transnational level.

The final outcome of the project, the Joint Action Plan, sums up all the work done and the decisions taken during the third phase (research integration). Besides, a technical feasibility of each action helped clarifying their implementability, tracking the barriers and the recommendations for better implementation (D4.1 Recommendations Report). The JAP has been developed in close collaboration with the partners in the participating regions. Based on the regional strategies at local and at trans-regional level, the JAP includes the priority actions set for each research driven cluster, and highlights the potential synergies which have been identified throughout the project activities. It also includes a set of policy recommendations and case studies collected from the Advisory Group members, according to the main topics of interest in the nanotechnology field, and more generally to the three macro-topics identified by the partners.

Besides, several impending issues have been contributing to shape the JAP:
-Both the incumbence of the economic crisis and the reallocation of structural funds in the next programming period require dealing with increasingly limited resources and cut budgets,
-As partners regions present different specializations in nanotechnologies, a multidisciplinary and horizontal approach has been privileged. Nowadays, bounding the research spectrum is no more a sustainable option as wider competences are needed in order to innovate traditional manufacture sectors, to launch new ones (e.g. environment, energy, health) and more generally to boost the regional economic development;
-Communicating Nanotechnologies towards companies and society is an unquestioned priority, transversal to the majority of the actions identified.

The structure of the JAP consists of two parts:
-Priority actions at local level. A brief overview of each RDC, its challenges and main objects sets the framework for the actions selected at regional level;
-Priority actions at trans-regional level. Seven actions have been selected and categorized according to the three KEEN-REGIONS macro-topics.

Proposals for local action in Veneto

Veneto Region knowledge system features a high expertise of research entities in many different R&D axes and numerous skilled personnel with high-standard professional training. On the other hand, the local economy is made of traditional micro and small medium enterprises that belong to medium and low tech sectors, which carry out innovation activities often triggered by spontaneous initiatives. The big issue at stake for policy makers is to help the two sides increase reciprocal knowledge and consistent occasions for collaboration.

Despite there is ground for increasing substantially the competitiveness of Nano in Veneto, the potential is poorly exploited. KEEN-REGIONS project highlighted that low research-business cooperation is due to
-a very limited number of companies in the nanotech sector,
-a low awareness about potential applications by the vast majority of SMEs,
-a low attitude to IPRs from the companies,
-a scarce presence of researchers in companies.

Three challenges need to be addressed:
-As a consequence of the low awareness of nanotechnologies and their applications, there is an unsatisfactory utilization of this technology from the industry and the research-business relationships need to be encouraged;
-As it takes long time to turn the results of R&D into products, the interest of investors has to be stimulated by presenting a clear picture of advantages and opportunities;
-The fragmentation of the local productive system, characterized by many small and micro and several medium enterprises, requires a customized approach according to the dimension of the companies.

In order to solve the above-mentioned challenges, the local actions identified by the KEEN Veneto partners aim to:
-Increase companies' awareness on Nanotechnologies;
-Detect the technological needs of the companies;
-Support companies in finding technological solutions to their needs;
-Foster the use of equipment and research infrastructures;
-Encourage a user-driven innovation approach among companies and in society;
-Facilitate the acquisition of innovative knowledge in the companies by means of getting them closer to the research actors.

Action 1: Nano-coaching for entrepreneurs

The aim is to proceduralise a model for offering coaching sessions on Nano-opportunities to companies with similar needs and operating in similar areas. This will be carried out by developing a 'workshop + guided visit in lab' format.

Expected impact:
-Strengthened collaboration between Veneto Nanotech, business associations and companies;
-Dissemination of nanotechnology applications among companies;
-Increased collaboration between companies and nanotechnology providers.

Action 2: Nano-package for companies

The action provides companies with a package of services to help them envisioning a concrete way to boost their business. In concrete terms, companies will be advised on how to adapt an existing nanotechnology application or to undertake a new research development.

Expected impact:
-Increased innovation activities related to Nanotechnologies;
-Business-research cooperation enhanced;
-More businesses compete in global markets.

Action 3: Rent equipment and a research team for your business!

The action will encourage companies to exploit existing research infrastructures and have their staff teaming up with researchers. The complete list of the tools and techniques, together with possible applications of new materials, shall be made available. The companies will have the opportunity to ask for consulting and to visit the laboratories.

Expected impact:
-Enhanced visibility of the Nanotech research infrastructures;
-Increased awareness on nanotechnology applications at local level;
-More collaboration agreements between companies and research infrastructures.

Action 4: e-NanoMarketplace

To further improve the collaboration between companies and research centres, an interactive tool will be made available. A web platform will be structured in two areas: an information portal will give an overview of available tools and techniques (with the possibility to have also detailed scientific information) and to the possible applications and properties of nanostructured materials; a second area designed to foster the match between companies and research centers.

Expected impact
- A dynamic space for matching demand and offer at national level is created;
- Increased number of companies embracing nanotechnologies;
- Maximized use of nanotechnologies at local level.

Action 5: Nanotech Demo centre in Veneto

The Demo centre on nanotechnology applications will showcase possible solutions in one facility, providing visitors with hands-on examples of what Nanotechnologies can do in different fields of application. The utilization of virtual models and of 3D virtual design will offer concrete opportunities for SMEs to access technological simulations. The centre shall put at disposal of the companies virtual reality simulation tools to support the experiencing of Nano applications.

Expected impact:
-Increased awareness of nanotechnologies by the companies;
-Take on of a user-driven approach to nanotechnologies;
-Increased commercialization of Nano-related products.

Action 6: Programme 'Business gains brains'

The programme will aim to develop the SMEs competitiveness, by facilitating the acquisition of innovative knowledge from qualified external research facilities and services such as Universities, public research bodies, public and private laboratories and networks of Science Parks and Technology Clusters. Industrial research and experimental development contracts will be funded.

Expected impact:
-Enhanced Academia to business mobility;
-Increased research on Nano-related products;
-Valorized human capital in business.

Proposals for local action in the Basque Country

The incorporation of nanoscience, micro and nanotechnology as a strategic area for industrial diversification in terms of the Basque Country's science, technology and innovation policies was undertaken in the mid-2000s with two main goals: to exploit the huge potential applications of these technologies in almost every industrial sector in the Basque Country, especially the car industry, aeronautics, energy, electronics, telecommunications, machinery/tools, steel, metallurgy and household appliances, and to promote the creation of new technology companies with the express purpose of taking full advantage of applications based on such technologies.

The increasingly important participation of companies together with science/technology agents in R+D projects in these fields, and the launch of a support system for the development of new business projects, with the creation of a nanoincubator, are a clear response to the business development and revitalisation actions proposed in this strategy. As a consequence, nanotechnologies in the Basque Country have significantly advanced in strategic areas such as Nano-biotechnologies, composites, magnetic materials and devices, optics, and sensing.

Several objectives keep being addressed in the Basque Country:
-foster the interaction of the research and the business actors;
-increase innovation and excellence in Basque companies;
-attract and foster the use of nanotechnologies by driving companies of different productive sectors of the Basque Country in their processes or products acting as drivers and prompting the industrialisation of nanotechnologies in the whole value chain of suppliers;
-push innovation activities related to marketable products;
-exploit research results by means of creating spin offs or start-ups.

The local actions identified by the KEEN partners in the Basque Country are intended to increase collaboration between SMEs and research institutions. Other areas identified, such us the generation of new ideas or the mobility of researcher, are already developed in the region by other initiatives. Therefore the local actions identified intend to contribute to:

-Increase companies and society awareness on nanotechnologies;
-Promoting the awareness of companies on the opportunities available at regional level in this field;
-Addressing the joint participation of companies and research centres in R&D&I projects;
-Foster the use of equipment and research infrastructures.

Action 1: Disseminating nanotechnology

This action intends to offer dissemination sessions specifically designed for each type of company, also including in these sessions companies that are developing activities based on nanotechnologies in order to present concrete examples of applications, showing the main benefits and also the barriers and the problems they are facing.

Expected impact:
-Raised awareness on nanotechnology applications among companies;
-Increased collaboration between companies and nanotechnology providers.

Action 2: Knowledge Map of Nano-technology offer

The Knowledge Map will offer homogeneous information of all Basque research institutions in just one document. It will facilitate the identification of the research institution for specific requests and it will also serve to raise awareness, both in our own region and beyond, of the available capabilities in nanoscience, micro and nanotechnologies in the Basque Country.

Expected impact:
-Facilitated identification of the research institutions for specific requests;
-Increased research-industry collaboration.

Action 3: Equipment for nanotechnology reference book

The purpose of the action is to offer companies a complete list of services offered by the Basque research centres, which includes the following information: equipment, services offered using the equipment, areas of application, instrumental techniques used, location and contact.

Expected impact:
-Maximized use of the available equipment in research institutions by other agents;
-Transition of local R&D infrastructures towards "Foundry model" which further allows new business models for nanotechnology (fabless nano company);
-Fostered use of the equipment and research infrastructures by companies;
-Fostered collaboration between companies and research institutions.

Action 4: Directory of Basque companies with micro-nanotechnology activities

The action aims to incorporate a private data collection and monitoring system in a website, in which companies can register and update their activity. The information obtained through the system is useful for several purposes. Firstly, it will feed a search engine that provides third party identification and contact with companies. Secondly, aggregate information for all companies will give a useful contribution for the annual report "Use of micro and nanotechnologies in the Basque business fabric." This system of monitoring and data collection is key to the directory because it will be the main source of information on the Basque companies working with micro/nanotechnologies and it will allow nanoBasque to update the directory once a year when the companies introduce the information in the system.

Expected impact:
-Facilitated identification of companies active in these fields;
-Marketing of the companies supported as it allows searching by anyone interested;
-Arisen interest in micro/nanotechnology of other companies;
-Raised awareness on nanotechnology applications among other companies;
-Nanotech companies pushed into more customer-oriented communication.

Action 5: Nanotech showroom

The idea of the proposed activity is to give more visibility to all the developments made in the Basque Country in the field of nanotechnology, using the BTEK, the Basque Technology Interpretation Centre of the Bizkaia Technology Park. Not only scientific discoveries by the technological agents but also by companies will gain visibility, and target groups will include students, but also other companies and entrepreneurs.

Expected impact:
-Increased awareness of nanotechnologies by the companies and by the society in general;
-Increased scientific and technological culture among young people.

Proposals for local action in Rhône-Alpes

Massive investments on nanotechnologies have been done in the Grenoble area since last decade from the national government and from the local governments. Several research programmes are supported by the public sector, and the public research organizations benefit from the existence of technical collaborative platforms and several networks which allow a proper coordination of actions among the different actors/stakeholders.

Notwithstanding the successfulness of national and local strategies for nanotechnology, KEEN partners in the Rhône-Alpes region highlighted a specific challenge to be addressed in the future concerning the mobilisation of SMEs in the nanotech sector. In particular, it was agreed on the need:

-to transfer big technological advances achieved in laboratories to small to medium companies likely to bolster their competitive advantages;
-to harness the power of innovation to speed up new product development and reduce time-to-market.

As a consequence, the local actions identified by the KEEN partners in the Rhône-Alpes region intend to:
-canvass SMEs towards the use of nanotechnologies for solving their innovation needs;
-support structural projects that aim to promote Nano electronics for SMEs.

Action 1: Rhone-Alpes Nano-applications booklet

The action is a Nano-applications booklet aimed to:

-Mobilize SMEs, which are not yet mature enough, to engage a collaborative R&D program with a public research institute;
-Provide a spectrum of business development activities and creative methodologies, to ensure the start-up of concrete innovation projects and which provide commercial success;
-Transform into technical specification the SMEs needs, in order to conduct prototype development and proof of concept.

Expected impact:
-Widened range of tools at disposal of research institutions for canvassing the SMEs;
-Raised awareness on nanotechnology applications among companies;
-Consolidate the existing detection mechanisms of SME's

Action 2: Innovation cycle

The Innovation Cycle is a methodology to support the development of SME's addressing breakthrough innovations in order to avoid the loss of value, as high risks are not usually accepted by traditional SMEs.

Expected impact:
-New usages of technology and societal needs;
-Easier access to technologies available inside research institutes;
-Accompanying the SMEs in their launch on the market of high tech and high value products, a stage requiring on-going capital.
-Facilitated tech transfer to "traditional SME's" not used to technological innovation.

Proposals for action at trans-regional level

The seven actions selected at trans-regional level reconcile the needs and the expectations of all the KEEN-REGIONS partners, mainly related to ensure some benefits to each region and to attest the feasibility of implementation.

When discussing about possible areas of collaboration between RDCs, partners agree it was worthy taking advantage of European funding opportunities to carry out joint projects. Moreover, they emphasized the need to put in place simple and concrete tools that could complement existing measures/schemes at local level, and that brought together research and innovation to address economic growth in the partner regions.

Trans-regional actions fostering research-business relations

Action 1: Shared common methodologies and tools to promote the use of Nanotechnologies among the companies

When developing the concept idea of the tools dedicated to companies, KEEN-REGIONS will share a common approach/methodology, based on their best practices and previous experiences, as well as on new ideas. In particular, partners will work on defining two ways of approaching companies: a straight approach (face-to-face, guided visits, coaching sessions…) and a roundabout approach (multimedia, booklets…). Starting from shared approaches, each RDC will adjust them according to its specificities and will implement the actions following an independent schedule.

Expected impact:
-A common methodology to approaching companies in the Nanotech sector developed;
-New tools for the communication of Nanotechnologies to companies created;
-Exchanged sustainable best practices from partner regions and from external regions.

Action 2: Web platform to match Nano-technology offer and demand

A web platform in the KEEN-REGIONS area will help matching the demand of companies with the offer of technological providers. Suppliers and clients will interact in an easy and proficient way and good ideas will have the opportunity to be translated into technological innovations thanks to this virtual marketplace.

Expected impact:
-Increased exploitation of research infrastructures in the KEEN area;
-Newly established collaborations between companies and research centres, both at local and at interregional level;
-New products developed and launched in the market.

Action 3. Fostering the emergence of a 'cloud cluster for Nanotechnologies'

A virtual common space for companies and clusters, open to the exchange of knowledge and to potential collaborations, will be a flexible tool at disposal of proactive players. The 'cloud cluster' will facilitate the spreading of new ideas, new activities and the capacity to innovate. The building of a constructive dialogue among cluster actors and the systematic exchange of information will be the pillars of this virtual space, in which local entrepreneurs and research centres will have the possibility to take advantage of common opportunities.

Expected impact:
-New transnational collaboration projects set up;
-Companies' competitiveness enhanced;
-Local development fostered.

Action 4. Coordinated impact in Nanofutures platform

KEEN-REGIONS partners will coordinate their participation within NANOfutures, a European Technology Integrating and Innovation Platform with a strong technological component, supported by the European Commission. The aim of such coordinate effort is to transfer the pleas emerged in KEEN-REGIONS project, actively participating in the relevant Working Group, Technology Transfer and Innovation Financing.

Expected impact:
-KEEN-REGIONS RDCs more connected and organized at the EU level;
-KEEN-REGIONS results widely disseminated through Nanofutures.

Trans-regional actions supporting the generation of new ideas

Action 5. Lay the foundations to develop Key Enabling Technologies in KEEN Regions area, placing the focus on end users and on design applications targeted to their specific needs

In order to be ready when the KETs processes will be defined, target sites will have to be identified. These are places with a real knowhow in nanotechnologies. Sites in our three regions could pretend to be identified as target sites for KET's (maybe 5 in Rhone-Alpes, 3 in Italy and 2 in Spain). Subcontractors shall already be identified and organized in clusters in each region through the help of European funding, which would come from the funding sources identified or set up from KEEN. Thus, when the first technologies will come out of the pilot lines in the target sites the subcontractors will be ready to integrate them into products or to sell them.

Expected Impact
-Enhanced cooperation on nanotechnologies between the three KEEN Regions beyond the project;
-Established focus for the development of nanotechnologies in the three regions in accordance with the KET's recommendations;
-Innovation alliances created.

Action 6. Idea's day in…motion

The concept of the Ideas Day in Rhone Alpes will be extended to the other KEEN regions, with the aim to organise in the Basque country and in Veneto a similar event. The Idea's day in the three regions will focus on providing understanding of innovation management and how to do in practice. Dedicated activities will put in evidence the needs of the local industry and the promotion of the local know-how. Starting from the Minatec Ideas Lab initiative, KEEN-REGIONS partners will share a common model to be implemented at regional level. Each region will invite the other partners to present their competencies and contributions during the day, as well as their success stories.

Expected impact:
-Collaborations between non-conventional actors and Nanotech research units triggered
-Raised awareness on Nanotechnologies among society at regional level
-Increased trans-regional exchanges between researchers belonging to the three RDCs

Action 7. Benefiting society through the Eranet scheme

Therefore, an Eranet project proposal will aim at coordinating the research efforts of the participating Member States and Regions to support highly innovative industrial research projects. KEEN-REGIONS partners are willing to reach a critical mass of companies, thus they will support the presentation of a proposal under the Eranet scheme with an open topic (i.e. smart cities), with nanotechnology playing its part as an enabling technology. Such approach is expected to generate significant benefits to the companies, the technology providers and society in general. Industrial priorities will be targeted.

Expected impact:
-Enhanced trans-regional research-industrial cooperation on topic addressing societal challenges;
-New academia-business partnerships established;
-Society benefits from innovate projects transferring knowledge into industrial technology applications.

Trans-regional actions valorising the human capital

Action 8. KEEN partners jointly apply for Marie Curie Actions: Initial Training Networks (ITN) and Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)

In order to foster trans-regional mobility of researchers, KEEN-REGIONS partners will jointly apply to Marie Curie actions in the coming calls for proposals. The aim is to foster research-research and research-business mobility, as a means to valorise the human capital in the three Regions and to encourage fruitful exchanges between the partners involved.

For the purposes and the composition of the partners, two actions have been identified: ITN and Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP).

Expected impact:
-Transnational public-private partnerships in Nanotechnologies settled;
-Early-stage researchers trained and specialised;
-Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer between innovative academic and leading-edge industry partners.

Action 9. Gateway for research careers in the KEEN area

The partners will use the KEEN-REGIONS platform as the location to post vacancies and funding announcements. The platform may be modified accordingly. Partners will also give visibility to the others partners’ calls and announcements whenever convenient.

Expected impact:
-Local opportunities for researchers’ mobility get wider visibility;
-Bilateral mobility between the three KEEN Regions is enhanced;
-New trans-regional collaboration opportunities are created.

Policy recommendations from the Advisory Group (AG)

The organizations forming part of the Advisory Group were selected because of their strong interest in nanotechnology both at research and at policy level. Also a fair geographical balance was looked up. Each associate organization appointed a representative who took part in several project activities: Ms. Eeva Viinikka (Culminatum Innovation), Ms. Zita Zombori (Gedeon Richter), Mr. Francis Deprez (IWT Flanders), Mr. Gerd Meier Zu Köcker (VDI/VDE Innovation).

Since their involvement after the first project period, the AG members were requested to carefully study all the analytical documents produced and they were constantly kept updated on the project progress. Starting from the outcomes of the working groups, several transversal topics of interest for policy makers were identified and submitted for further reflection to the AG members to come up with policy recommendations and useful case studies/best practices to be shared with the consortium. Overall, policy recommendations could be aggregated in seven categories:

-Public funding for nanotechnologies;
-Research-business relations;
-Generation of innovative ideas;
-Valorization of human capital and researchers' mobility;
-Raising awareness about nanotechnologies;
-Use of research equipment from the companies;
-Transnational cooperation.

Also, AG members provided ten case studies, providing a short description and the lessons learned from each of them.

Public funding for nanotechnologies

-Future policy actions should focus to provide appropriate framework conditions to better commercialize and exploit R&D findings and Nanotech inventions, moving from fundamental towards market-driven research.

-The complete wish-list for public funding for R&D projects would include:
a) IPR landscape studies;
b)Market studies;
d)Process development;
e)Networking, tailored matching.

For info check:

-Regional support measures should be very tailor-made and fill fields not addressed at national or European level. Regions can easily focus on increasing framework conditions that are often not addressed at national level. Framework conditions could range from education/training over financial aspects until regulatory conditions.

THE CASE: Subsidy systems supporting cross regional collaboration and research infrastructure usage

In Flanders, several subsidy systems for cross regional collaboration open to SMEs are available, ranging from minor initiatives up to large scope projects. Financial stimulus has triggered SMEs that by themselves had never taken the step. Firstly, there is the stimulus to work together with a registered research institute, regardless whether it is situated in Flanders or abroad. A 10% subsidy is granted as soon as 20% of the overall accepted budget is spent at the research institute(s). There is a ruling that research institutes of own region prevail if they have a similar offering, but the cases up till now have indicated that on many occasions this open support has stimulated SMEs to look both outside their own company and even abroad. A second stimulus is provided for collaboration with companies abroad. Again, 10% extra subsidy is granted if there is substantial cross border collaboration with other companies (partners in a project).

Lessons learned: The Flanders financial stimulus is a basic implementation of the principle 'you get what you pay for'. Not only networking and networking support should be focused, but subsidy systems should also be tuned towards incentives to drive companies in the desired direction.

-Policy measures to support user-focused projects and research activities carried out in conjunction with users would definitely stimulate the generation of marketable ideas. A continuous open call for proposals could attract the best ideas and it should be flexible enough to allow different proposals to be funded.

-When supporting technology development, regions should be opportunistic. It is recommendable to think carefully which technologies would support improving the local industries' global competitiveness the most; or which technologies would match the local skill sets and core competences best, allowing further improvement of the local competence pool into an internationally attractive hub.

-To foster utilization of innovative public procurement, necessary education and support should be available for the civil servants. 'Regional new technologies agents' with high-qualified profile should systematically visit all local infrastructure decision makers (hospitals, schools, elderly care centres, city officials, regional economic development officials, etc) and introduce the relevant technologies. It is an imperative to approach the decision makers in customer oriented mode, focusing on the customer needs.

Research-business relations
-The most important issue in commercializing nanotechnology is focusing into business issues. This includes marketing and strategy, good business plan, IPR taken care of, the right team (including business know-how and target industry know-how), involving target customers into the process as early as possible and partners with critical technology expertise or target industry know-how.

THE CASE: ERANET OLAEplus. A success story of setting up business-research relations

Flanders is involved in the Organic Large Area Electronics project (ERANET+) via its industry support program (applicants need to be companies). IWT passed on a message to all research institutes (including universities) that have a technical offering in the field that the call was coming and that they had to trigger companies to apply. So the research institutes were positioned in the driving seat, activated by a 10% subsidy bonus. In a field in which it was taken that only few SMEs and companies were available in Flanders, they were able to set-up 12 projects with international collaboration within a time frame of 4 months. Enabling the future contributors just worked. It stimulated academics to contact businesses and coming out of their comfort zone.

Lessons learned: There are a good many people at universities and institutes that have the right attitude and approach to set up relations when triggered. Especially if a readily program is attached.

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-Rapid commercialization requires organization and means to identify the most potential technologies and to provide funding for these. However, at the same time it requires professional project management to follow up the progress, and courage also to stop the project if it becomes clear that it is not going to deliver.

THE CASE: DSP Valley, Flanders. Stimulating innovation by enabling new cooperation and new partnerships

Public private partnerships to enhance cross regional programs can be improved through dedicated non-profit organizations that focus on improving networks and collaboration programs. Those nonprofit organizations are emerging out of the sector and get financed both by membership contributions of related companies as well as by public funding. DSP Valley is one of those non-profit organizations in Flanders. It is an independent technology cluster focusing on the design of hardware and embedded software technology. DSP Valley groups more than 60 members: universities, research institutes and companies, from small start-ups, over SMEs to large international groups with a local R&D activity. DSP Valley offers its members a networking platform that allows them to explore each other's expertise and that stimulates innovation by exploiting complementarities. The benefit of this policy is that, being a private organization, they have more flexibility to expand their radius 'cross border'. Their size can easily be tuned to the sector needs.

Lessons learned: Rather than erecting new structures, carefully watching the sector and stimulating and boosting one's initiatives is an asset.

For info check:

-Start-ups should be raised into the whole research community's awareness; a professional communications strategy (articles, prizes, etc.) how to bring them into public awareness is recommendable. For positive prospects, commercialization prize could be one approach.

THE CASE: Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) - Finland. Creating start-ups based on access to public R&D equipment

The optics research centre at Tampere University of technology has a good tradition in supporting the creation of start-ups based on access to research infrastructure. The results include spinning out about 10 photonics related SME's. At Tampere, the local city has actively participated the encouraging policies. The model has been employed for 20 years successfully. The ORC offers an entrepreneurship friendly atmosphere at the university. The ORC culture entails the young entrepreneurs act as part time researchers at the university; this is to assure living and not to inhibit the interest to take personal risks like kicking off a company. The agreement model between the university and the company may include for example access to use the university equipment for the start-up after office hours and at weekends, with a fixed and tolerable price.

Lessons learned: One of the barriers to commercialization is the price of relevant equipment and facilities. Smooth access to the existing infrastructures enables creating start-ups and allowing them to grow mature enough to build up their own facilities. Supporting start-ups entails an entrepreneurship encouraging atmosphere within the research group. In addition, successful implementation requires an activity model and agreement model on how to do it.

For info check:

-An overall stepped program, with small starter projects (limited time, limited funding), which may grow on proof of early success, is apt to support start-ups. It both limits the financial funding exposure, and puts the starters into a communication/reflection relation with public authorities. As of the second step (just after early seeding money) a clear necessity of private risk funding to obtain any further public funding is advised.

-For some of the Ph.D grant systems, a grant extension period can be offered as transient to spin-off/start-up initiatives. A full chain of support systems starting at Ph.D. grant support up till young innovative companies support programs is another way to promote an entrepreneurial attitude in young researchers.

Generation of innovative ideas

-The open innovation paradigm can facilitate new ways to generate innovations. It means involving end-users and partners in the innovation process from the very beginning. Matching industrial needs with scientific capabilities is a very promising way to close the gap between industry and academia.
-SMEs seldom have all the relevant know-how in-house, and thus would benefit from all forms of collaboration. Thus open innovation platforms should be worth considering. The preferred open innovation model includes joint development of a prototype or an application, however also idea generation and licensing a technology or a solution developed by a partner would be desirable.
-Living labs, in commercializing nanotechnology, provide unique opportunities to get feedback from the users. A well-organized living lab serves also as a piloting environment, allowing proof of concept data for marketing and convincing the investor candidates. In addition, at its best it can also make a show room and door opener to new business sectors.

THE CASE: Finnish Hotel of Tomorrow project. Piloting environments and Living Labs

The Finnish Hotel of Tomorrow project is an example of a living lab and piloting environment. Haaga-Helia university of applied sciences and the partner Hotel Haaga created a project to co-incidence another larger scale hotel renovation.

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Valorization of human capital and researchers' mobility
-Awareness campaigns pointing out advantages of starting an own company, combined with specific institutional and programmatic support measures and entrepreneurial support schemes, can motivate researchers to shift from academia to business.
-Awarding PhD-grants for people employed in a company, sustained by an academic sponsor, is a concrete way to build bridges between research and business and to increase the innovation potential of the company.
-Incoming mobility of top-level researchers contributes to shape the good reputation of universities and research centres, and to increase potential for innovation. The attractiveness of research and living conditions is essential to pull researchers from abroad. Therefore, the whole regional system should join their efforts to create a friendly work environment for foreigners, ensure high quality research equipment in the research centres and offer soft landing services.
-Existing programmes and tools for attracting talents in academia funded at European or national level can be profitably complemented at regional level. For instance, creating a regional fund for « ERC non-funded winning projects» or for supporting the sustainability of Marie Curie researchers after the end of their project is a valuable initiative.

THE CASE: Belgium - Attracting talents through ERC support initiative

ERC grants’ procedures allow applicants to carry out their research project in whatever research institute all over Europe and the associated countries. Thus, the mobility element is a very significant one for this kind of research funding scheme and the best universities and research centres in Europe are attracting poles for talented researchers. Since the very first calls from ERC were launched, a funding issue emerged. Not all 'winning projects' were able to get funded from the ERC because of budget exhaustion. This trend is expected to be increasing in the next years, as the number of applications per call is dramatically rising (and so are the winning proposals) and financial resources do not increase proportionally. The Flemish community, through its Research Foundation FWO, offers each year to the best ranked Principal Investigators on the ERC Starting Grant reserve list with a host institution in Flanders, the possibility to start a research project financed by the FWO. The Belgium French-speaking Community offers up to 3.500€ to ERC applicant who pass the first step in StG and AdG, through its Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS.

Lessons learned: By providing alternative funding to ERC applicants that passed the threshold but were not funded by the ERC, the regional authority can contribute to enhancing the attractiveness of its Universities and research centres (more foreign researchers would be expected to apply for carrying out their research in those institutions where they know they will be funded anyway) and an increased number of incoming top researchers is guaranteed.

Raising awareness about nanotechnologies

-Nanotechnology centres should have a communication approach to local media (newspapers, local TV channels, seminars, newsletters, web pages), and more importantly, identify which could be the local, most interesting nanotechnology success stories and news to be communicated to the media.
-In order to raise awareness among companies, one or more industries which could benefit from the local nanotechnology companies' products and researchers' know-how should be identified. Tailored events where the key SME's are invited to pitch (include coaching for pitching especially in researchers are allowed to speak!), should be organized. The events could include tailored marketing materials and small scale exhibition, and support in building up joint projects if interesting opportunities are identified.
-Success stories, fairs with specific focus on Nanotech applications, Used-Supplier clubs and cluster organisations are appropriate tools to raise awareness on nanotechnologies among companies.
-Long-term positive awareness of the general public entails targeting groups like children and students.

THE CASE: NanoSchoolBox - Germany. Inviting kids on a journey into the nanocosmos

In order to draw students' attention to one of today's most exciting high technologies, the so-called NanoSchoolBox was developed. This baggage invites kids on a journey into the nanocosmos and is an outcome of the work of a German nanotechnology network, called NanoBioNet. The baggage contains 14 experiments that help to understand the effects of nanotechnology. Nowadays, the NanoSchoolBox is widely used in schools, mainly from class 9 (age 13) onwards - in chemistry and physics lessons. Some experiments are also suitable for biology lessons. The experiments can either be carried out by the teacher for demonstration purposes or by the students themselves in practical trainings or extracurricular workshops.

Lessons learned: Many approaches exist to make nanotechnology and its potentials more visible for the public. Kids in schools are a promising target group. Nowadays, there a enough tools and approaches available, however, teachers and adults must be open minded and motivated, too, to use such kind of tools, like the NanoSchoolBox. Networks, where industry, science and policy co-operate intensively can play an important role in contributing to a better public understanding of nanotechnology.

For info check:

-The general public should be targeted communicating success stories on nanotechnologies and providing examples of small companies that create jobs and deliver societal benefits through their products. However, simultaneously it should be told how the safety and responsibility issues have been considered.

THE CASE: nanoTruck - Germany. Meeting place nanoworld

The mobile information campaign on nanotechnology 'nanoTruck - Meeting Place Nanoworlds' of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is aiming to get nanotechnology out of the laboratory to bring it directly to the people. It wants to provide the public with more information about the benefits and potential risks of nanotechnology at an early stage, promote their ideas and to show new perspectives for a successful career in an exciting and promising area of technology. Embedded in the federal government's High-Tech strategy 2020, it focuses on the generally understandable, clear transfer of directly useful information about the principles, areas of application, opportunities and risks of nanotechnology.

The nanoTruck can be considered as one of the best approaches in Germany to bring nanotechnologies to the public. Initiated a couple of years before, the nano-Truck can still be rented and visited at different places in Germany.

Lessons learned: The key success factor is to generate a keen demand by using the right communication approach.

The BMBF also benefits by the nano-Truck approach by providing continuously new prototypes and findings generated by publicly funded projects, which can be seen in the nano-Truck.

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-Societal challenges should be properly addressed in relation with nanotechnologies. In order to foster acceptance by the public, this new technology should be presented just as an enabler, a means for the benefit of society.

Use of research equipment from the companies
-Companies may need to access the research equipment at publicly funded infrastructures for many different reasons. Therefore, they should be guaranteed a smooth access, for example organising the research infrastructures into a foundry.

THE CASE: MEMSFab - Finland. Accessing equipment within public R&D infrastructure organized by a private service provider

For info check:

-It is possible to encourage the use of research infrastructures by the companies foreseeing such costs as eligible expenses in R&D&I projects.
-To support creating start-ups based on access to research infrastructure requires an entrepreneurship encouraging atmosphere within the research group. In addition, successful implementation requires a clear model on how to do it; for example the start-up could use the equipment after office hours and at weekends, with a fixed and tolerable prize. In addition, young entrepreneurs should be allowed to act as part time researchers at the university when kicking off companies, just to assure their living etc.

Transnational cooperation
-The key issue in durable transnational joint initiatives is added value; if both the transnational partners get something unique and useful which is not available without the partnership, the initiative is durable. The challenge is to identify these complementary skills to be shared - avoid joining competing or too similar initiatives.
-Key factors are needs expressed by companies for transnational initiatives. These needs can be triggered by exposure to transnational opportunities, in which joint events/conferences certainly play an important role. Other initiatives like Enterprise Europe Networks are just another instrument.

Potential Impact:

4.1.4 The potential impact and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results

As foreseen in the DOW a whole work package (WP5) has been devoted to the dissemination activities with the main aim to:
1-Share knowledge among the three research-driven clusters in order to build a 'cooperation basis' to start the mutual learning and integration phases of the project
2-Spread the outcomes of the KEEN-REGIONS project to stakeholders and organisations outside the partners network

To better plan the communication activities and to focalise the key messages accordingly to the specific target, a detailed communication plan was set up (deliverable 5.3.1) the coordinated image produces and the project brochure (5.3.2) designed and distributed among the partners.

The coordinated image and the brochure were than the main tools used in the first part of the project to present KEEN-REGIONS and its goals to our key audience. Beyond the WP5 activities anyway, along the whole the project, communication has been one core issue for the KEEN-REGIONS partners.

The first communication goal (building the cooperation basis) was reached mainly through the exchanges and the meetings of the first period which set the basis to pool and share information and knowledge among the clusters concerned and to make the involved participants a lively community.

Due to this reason was also decided to involve in the matchmaking only companies with some previous experiences with nanotechnology.

During the project life two matchmaking events (deliverable 5.2.1) took place
-San Sebastian on July 28th 2010 (in conjunction with the MLV)
-Venice from 23rd to 25th November 2011 (in conjunction with the conference NanotechItaly)

NanotechItaly is an international conference annually organized in order to effectively promote and disseminate nanotechnology and its application in the industry world and also to establish a useful link among the scientific and academic world and the entrepreneurs' actors.

To better spread the outcomes of the project and to disseminate the Join Action Plan, a specific publication was designed and published. In this booklet (about 60 pages) the main achievements and the considerations around the most important topics of the JAP have been described to the public together with case studies (provided also by the Advisory group), insights and lessons learnt.

A version in Italian was afterwards produced to adapt the context and the messages to companies in the Veneto Region.

Project website:

Ivan Boesso
European Policies Department
Veneto Innovazione S.p.A.
Via Torino, 105 - 30172 Venezia Mestre