ERA-NET TRANSPORT II (ENT II) brings together the owners of national transport re-search programmes from thirteen countries, representing an annual public funding volume in the access of € 300 Mio in total. The vision behind ENT is to supplement and enrich na-tional RTD programmes through trans-national cooperation where national programme representatives can see an added value. Since 2003 the ENT has facilitated several successful and valuable cooperation’s between national RTD programmes. ERA-NET TRANSPORT II will further develop the cooperative ENT framework for trans-national transport research programming, thereby supporting the owners of national programmes in trans-national cooperation. ENT II will further step up the level of cooperation with the minimum goals of three joint calls, one ERA-Net plus and one joint programme. ERA-NET TRANSPORT is based on three fundamental principles: voluntarity of participation and variable geometry of cooperation actions, sovereignty of national programmes and openness to new partners. The ERA-NET TRANSPORT II will • further increase the cohesion and knowledge base of the network, • develop more intensive and comprehensive cooperation actions between national programmes with focus on joint calls and joint programming, • develop further cooperation between national programmes and the EC, such as it is envisaged for the schemes of ENT plus and Article 169 initiatives, • streamline support measures and mechanisms to ensure smoother processes both nationally and through the coordination of research funding activities initiated in ENT, • actively contribute to the development of a coherent Transport ERA by networking with European and international stakeholders and • broaden its geographical scope by including more countries in the ERA-NET TRANSPORT.
Appel à propositions
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Régime de financement
CSA-CA - Coordination (or networking) actionsCoordinateur
51105 Koln
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Participants (16)
1030 Wien
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92055 PARIS
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10115 Berlin
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0030 OSLO
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10158 Stockholm
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SW1P4DR London
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3003 Bern
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Participation terminée
28014 Madrid
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00-801 Warszawa
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115 10 ATHENS
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00520 Helsinki
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2500 EX Den Haag
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