The ICPCNanoNet project aims to provide an electronic archive of nanoscience and nanotechnology research publications and support the networking of researchers in the EU and ICPC. The electronic archive will be based on open-source software (EPrints) that is widely used by scientific institutions across the globe, and allows the incorporation of full-text open access publications (submitted by authors themselves) and the incorporation of entries from other publicly available sources (including other open-access repositories, electronic tables of contents and abstracts). This will facilitate researcher access to new data and the identification of groups that are performing complementary research for potential collaboration. ICPCNanoNet will also establish a database of researchers and organizations in the EU and ICPC, which will include contact details, research interests and expertise. This database will be available to all registered users of the website, allowing researchers to search for individuals that have specific expertise and organizations that have desired instrumentation and capacity. Researchers will be able to contact each other through an internal mail forwarding system and online discussion fora. It will identify research strategies and organization activities within the eight ICPC regions: Africa; Caribbean; Pacific; Asia; Eastern Europe and Central Asia; Latin America; Mediterranean Partner Countries; and Western Balkan Countries. These will be reported on an annual basis and available to download from the website. It will actively network EU and ICPC researchers through annual workshops, to be held in the EU; China; India; and Russia, and through the webcasting of these workshops and separate online workshops, where wider participation can be achieved.
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