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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-30

Improving the Scientific and Technological Research Capacity of Food Institute on Safety and Technology of Food Packaging


TUBITAK MRC Food Institute (FI) aims to become one of the leading food science and technology institutes in the EU. In order to achieve its aim FI analysed its weak points, and food packaging technologies are one of them. The main objective of this project is to improve the scientific and technological (S&T) capacity of FI in food packaging technologies. It is believed that FI will increase its participation in FP7 projects by the achievement of this proposal. Specifically, it is aspired to improve the research capacity in chemical contamination from the food contact materials, and developing new food packaging materials using nanotechnology and active antimicrobial packaging technologies. SAFETechnoPACK addresses completely the general objectives of the FP7 REGPOT-2007-1. In order to accomplish the main objective, FI has established the following specific objectives corresponding to the below work packages: •Upgrading S&T equipment infrastructure: involves the upgrading of the S&T equipment infrastructure of FI on packaging technologies, •Recruitment of researchers: involves the recruitment of two researchers in the field of chemistry and polymer science on new packaging technologies, •Networking and co-operative activities: involves participation in international conferences, technical visits to centres in Member States (MSs), organization of brokerage events, international conference and Advisory board meetings, •Improvement S&T experience and knowledge of researchers: involves the improvement of scientific and technological experience of researchers by long term and short term trainings in MSs, and exchange of know-how and experience by inviting expert scientists from MSs. •Information and dissemination activities: involves the setting up project web page, preparation of leaflets, organisation of info days and participation

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CSA-SA - Support actions


Contributo UE
€ 950 000,00
Costo totale
Nessun dato