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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology

Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare la capacità adattativa delle regioni dell’UE vulnerabili agli effetti del clima

La strategia dell’UE sull’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici richiede misure intelligenti, rapide e più sistemiche. In linea con queste azioni di adattamento, il progetto RESIST, finanziato dall’UE, migliorerà il livello di resilienza e velocizzerà la trasformazione delle regioni dell’UE vulnerabili agli effetti del clima. A tal fine, effettuerà quattro dimostrazioni su larga scala di innovazioni resilienti e trasferirà le competenze e conoscenze a otto regioni gemellate. Il progetto promuoverà un approccio partecipativo alla resilienza tramite partenariati a quintupla elica basati sulla collaborazione tra mondo accademico, aziende, governo e pubblico orientati alla creazione di un ambiente sostenibile. RESIST accorcerà i tempi di commercializzazione per oltre cento nuove soluzioni di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, fornendo misure regionali e strumenti politici innovativi e coinvolgendo 22 milioni di cittadini.


RESIST will strengthen the resilience and accelerate the transformation and increase adaptive capacity of 12 climate-vulnerable EU regions, implementing 4 large-scale demonstrators of resilient innovations for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) with quintuple-helix partnerships (including 1 in a less developed region) and promote transfer of know-how and innovative solutions to 8 twin regions (of which 4 less developed regions) through both physical mutual-learning activities and innovative immersive digital twins. The consortium will engage EU associations, CCA research groups, scientific experts, social engagement and communication institutions, innovation agencies and 1 Venture Capital Fund to co-create and validate innovative solutions, raise awareness, leverage citizens participation and promote sustainable exploitation of results towards the markets.
RESIST will contribute to the EU agenda on CCA, through intervention in 3 main areas:
Promote and demonstrate an innovative, more participative approach to resilience and CC adaptation in 4 demonstrator and 8 twinning regions (including 5 less developed regions in total) demonstrating >12 new solution lines, accelerating regional resilience and helping reach the adaptation-mission objectives of ‘building resilience and upscaling solutions through 100 demonstrators and accelerating the transition in 200 pilot regions and communities by 2030’ reaching already 4% and 6% of these aims by 2027, with 4 demonstrators and involvement of 12 regions
Co-design and contribute to the development of new regional measures, policy instruments and social and technological solutions in 12 regions involving 22m citizens, increasing awareness/resilience by 10% and levels of green investments by 20%, reducing economic losses due to natural hazards such as floods by 14% and climate protection gap by 50%;
Reduce time-to-market/risk for >100 new CCA Solutions from providers across Europe, offering them scale-up for their products.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 411 250,00
Costo totale
€ 1 411 250,00

Partecipanti (58)