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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

HYbrid TEChnologies for sustainable steel reHEATing

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Project Handbook

Project Handbook according to call requirement

Exploitation Plan: first draft

Exploitation Plan: first draft. report delivered according to call requirements

Selected reduced/skeletal reaction mechanism of H2/CH4 syngas combustion

Selected reduced/skeletal reaction mechanism of H2/CH4 syngas combustion. this activity is prleiminary to combustionb model definitoon and burner design.Skeletal reaction mechanisms for CFD simulations will be identified based on detailed reaction mechanisms to predict the combustion process. For modelling turbulent flames, the mixing time scale (e.g. conventional flame vs. flameless conditions) for the fuel and oxidant is a crucial factor and can affect the results significantly in terms of flame structure, ignition delay, blow-off, temperature etc

Report containing the Key Performance Indicators

RINA-CSM will provide to the Consortium, and in particular to the WP leaders, guidelines and instructions to ensure the high-quality of the results, the deliverables and the whole project. Key performance indicators (KPI) document, established at the KoM to evaluate the project results, will be revised on a 6-months basis and will be used to assess the achievements of the project. this report describe the individuated KPi and first applicationl

D1.1 Operating conditions of the reference industrial furnace 1 SWERIM R PUB 6

In this Deliverable the technical characterirstic of the furnaces involved in the activitikes are described, outling similarities and differences

Communication and Dissemination Plans; mid-term analysis

Communication and Dissemination Plans; mid-term analysis. report defined according to call requirements

Communication and Dissemination Plans; first draft
Creation of Website and social media channels

Creation of Website and social media channels to disseminate project results and provide update info about project activites

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