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Période du rapport: 2022-06-01 au 2023-05-31

For the first time ever, ekolive offers a new solution for mining and agriculture - which is on the one hand a process and on the other hand a product. We are the only provider of an EU Certified (ETV) ecological bioleaching technology that can upgrade primary and secondary minerals/waste of low quality and/or reintroduce it into the industrial cycle. The resulting liquid media can be used to produce new-generation biostimulants with incredible effects on soil regeneration, plant growth and health. Both the bioleaching process itself and the resulting products, which contain liquid micronutrients from dissolved natural minerals, probiotic and growth-promoting bacteria and wide spectrum of valuable proteins, bacteriocins, alcohols, organic acids, are unique, stimulating plant hormones and siderophores to make them strong and healthy - all naturally produced with no energy and no volume limitation. This new biotechnological process can completely transform global mining by substituting hazardous mining technologies and associated mining waste, while the resulting products can sustainably reduce the use of agrochemicals and enable healthy and sustainable food production. This has recently been recognized and awarded by both the world's most respected agricultural university and the largest chemical company.

The primary objective is in the raw materials/waste sector, where we use bioleaching to extract minerals and create materials of higher industrial value - or enable recycling or even upcycling of waste. The second objective is the production and application of the biostimulants thus created, with significant economic, environmental and even climatic effects: the restoration of degraded soils, reduction of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, fixation of CO2 and NH3 in the soil, stimulation of plant growth and - health, increasing the resistance of plants to climate change and other abiotic stress factors, as well as increasing yields.
Both the process technology and the manufacture of the resulting biostimulants have been optimized and demonstrated on large scale. After the proof of concept, further laboratory tests to validate the technology followed, then first outdoor tests under non-sterile conditions. The successive validation was followed by the verification using prototypes at various industrial locations and different application specifics – whereby the first biostimulants were produced, analysed by accredited laboratories and certified.

The application of the process technology as such as well as the production of the resulting biostimulants has been demonstrated, significant trials and demonstrations were done to improve the process and exploit its commercial potential:

1. Optimized bioleaching process: Adaptation of the process to the input materials used and process flow optimization for production on an industrial scale.

2. New biostimulants: Development of new stimulants based on mineral input materials and bacterial variants with the aim of increasing the value of input materials through upgrading or recycling on the one hand, and completing the portfolio with a view to application effects on the other.

3. Optimized and validated applications of the biostimulants: implementation of the necessary test series, certification and registration process
Conventional bioleaching is an established method for extracting elements such as Au, Ag, Co etc. from primary ores. Approximately 15% Cu and 5% Au are produced by bioleaching. Conventional bioleaching produces dangerous sulfuric acid. ekolive is the first to offer an eco-innovative bioleaching process (InnoBioTech®) with EU/ETV certification for processing waste/low-grade minerals into high-quality products and at the same time for producing highly effective biostimulants for agriculture without generating dangerous sulfuric acid. This technology is unique in the world and is also being used for the first time for upgrading low-grade primary minerals and recycling secondary ones. The composition of the biostimulants are not comparable to other products on the market and produce impressive agricultural results that farmers have never seen before. This has recently been recognized and awarded by both the world's most respected agricultural university and the largest chemical company.
In details,
1. Eco-innovative bioleaching was registered as international patent, optimised and scaled-up to treat 500 tons of material - low quality/waste sand and residue after coal mining
2. Two new unique biostimulants was developed, analysed and fully registered and certified
3. Respective biostimulants was tested by different farmers and universities with innovative effects (sugar increase, BRIX increase, drought/heat/frost resistance, root system increase, immunity to viruses, fungal and bacterial pathogens).

For further uptake and success, research by renowned universities and accredited research institutions that provide independent reports with accurate measurements over several seasons are necessary, an international patent is being prepared to cover various effects on plants and marketing improvement.
Test on sugar beet