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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

Creare strumenti quadro europei integrati per le esigenze di test su mobilità e trasporti

Che si tratti di auto senza conducente o di riduzione dell’impatto ambientale, l’iniziativa per la mobilità automatizzata, cooperativa e connessa (CCAM, cooperative, connected and automated mobility) è responsabile di tutti gli aspetti della mobilità e dei trasporti nell’UE. Per migliorare il coordinamento tra le sue imprese, il progetto FAME, finanziato dall’UE, creerà e convaliderà un quadro universale per i test su strada. A tal fine, FAME collaborerà con CCAM e le sue parti interessate per estrapolare competenze e sviluppare capacità. Inoltre, si occuperà della ricerca e dello sviluppo di metodi di valutazione e strumenti di verifica e incoraggerà la comunicazione e la diffusione delle conoscenze. Una volta impiegati sul campo, questi sforzi faciliteranno la valutazione di progetti pilota dimostrativi su larga scala, rendendo così possibile la realizzazione di veri e propri progetti CCAM.


FAME will develop and validate common methodologies and tools to facilitate the sharing of best practices and lessons learned to support the collaboration within the community of CCAM stakeholders across the complex cross-sectorial value chain needed for the organisation and evaluation of large-scale demonstration and future scale-up to the impacts of complete CCAM solutions. The mission of FAME supports the commitment of the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership to provide a long-term coordination framework for R&I and large-scale testing and evaluation activities in Europe. The establishment of a stakeholder-validated European framework for testing on public roads, including a CCAM test data space (TDS), a common evaluation methodology (CEM), and of means for exchange of knowledge on CCAM activities will improve cooperation, consensus building and data sharing. It will enable comparability and complementarity of the results of all testing and large-scale demonstration activities in Europe. FAME builds on a strong legacy of EU-funded Coordination and Support Actions which have developed harmonised methodologies and federated large networks of stakeholders to drive consensus building on challenges, needs and requirements for CCAM and Field Operational Tests. FAME involves 23 partners and over 2000 subscribers of the current Joint CAD network which has collaborated with the European Partnership on CCAM Partnership since its inception. The development of the European Framework for testing on public roads is at the core of FAME. The overall approach is built around three main building blocks and aims to engage with and enable (in terms of capacity building) stakeholders from the CCAM area, as well as capitalise knowledge about CCAM through an integrated approach including stakeholder engagement (WP3), research and innovation on the evaluation methodology and testing framework (WP 4 and 5) and communication and knowledge sharing (WPs 1 and 2) to maximise impact.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 792 281,25

Mostra sulla mappa

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 792 281,25

Partecipanti (21)

Partner (1)