CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report describing the services and systems developed integrated and tested in EO4EU platform Version a
Release of the integrated framework [Dev & Production level] (a)This report aims to describe the deployment of the EO4EU Version a
Release of -Serverless- Infrastructure Configuration management as a service (a)Report of the deployment and integration of the FaaS setup infrastructure Version a
This deliverable reports the frontend application components providing to the users Version a
Dissemination and Communication Plan & Continuous monitoring (a)Report on the target groups of the project and the planned dissemination and communication activities throughout the project lifetime Version a
Demonstrator's performance evaluation & appraisal reports (a)The document will present a separate assessment of the system with respect to the cognitive aspects and the UX of the users Version a
Research and Innovation Landscape analysis reportThe deliverable will conduct a capability GAP analysis for each use case and help inform the final requirements and overall systems architecture
Pilot Implementation methodology and release of evaluation guidelines (a)A public report on the 7 demonstrators of EO4EU Involved actors and organisations tested modules schedule participants scenarios lessons learned and results will be part of this document Version a
Project management manualA project handbook that will consist of a list with all the responsibilities of each partner templates and set of documentation for the management process
Technical, Operational and Interoperability specifications and ArchitectureThis deliverable presents the system specifications for all different components of the EO4EU solution and a technical overview of the architecture of the proposed solution
Data management plan (a)A data management plan that presents the strategy to make the data open and enable data reuse Version a
Data management plan (b)A data management plan that presents the strategy to make the data open and enable data reuse Version b
Risk management planA quality and risk management plan
EO4EU End-user Requirements Analysis & Business process flows (a)This deliverable documents user requirements of EO4EU and the baseline of all business processes which will take place through a flowchart methodology Version a
Dissemination and Communication Plan & Continuous monitoring (b)Report on the target groups of the project and the planned dissemination and communication activities throughout the project lifetime Version b
Summary of Standardisation, Harmonisation & Awareness actions (a)This report will describe the standardization actions and the interoperabilityharmonization actions combined with engagement of people from EO4EU relevant target groups Version a
Infrastructure & Services Definition (a)This deliverable will include the service specification analysis Version a
Annual progress reports (a)Annual progress report including the scientific and technological progress of the project Version a
Legal and Ethical issues and Guidelines (a)A Legal and Ethics Manual will be prepared to ensure the ethical and legal compliance Version a
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