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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Creating Actionable Futures

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CRAFT (Creating Actionable Futures)

Período documentado: 2022-05-01 hasta 2023-10-31

The ideal city does not exist, nor does the single pathway to climate neutrality or the ideal social innovation process. Every city has a different context, scale, history and people, and hence different concrete challenges. Every city finds itself at a different stage in a trajectory towards climate neutrality, and the trajectories themselves differ from city to city. Yet those contexts are often comparable and the challenges typically relate to known transition bottlenecks – challenges in changing behaviour, setting long-term goals, finding money and overcoming regulatory barriers and disciplinary silos.
CrAFt directly targets these transition bottlenecks to support cities in developing and deploying collaborative local governance models that will accelerate their journeys towards climate neutrality – regardless of their point of departure. CrAFt builds a bridge between the EU Cities Mission and the New European Bauhaus initiative, by:
-Harvesting experiences from the Cities as a Commons framework, that can be used in the design and deployment of Climate City Contracts;
-Publishing 3 CrAFt Cookbooks for Climate-Positive Cities and Communities, with 160 innovative and collaborative local governance models, tools, stories, good practices and guidelines based on NEB values and principles;
-Working with 3 Sandbox Cities (Amsterdam, Bologna, and Prague) to co-create and test how NEB-inspired collaborative local governance models can support local authorities in identifying stakeholder needs and matching them with concrete opportunities;
-Building a community of 70+ CrAFt Cities in which we support social and organisational learning in urban innovation and demonstration projects – within the city and between cities – through cooperation with arts, cultural and creative sectors, inhabitants and communities;
-Creating student STEAM teams (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and Think/Do Tanks to involve students from all disciplines in all aspects of the project to achieve a bottom-up involvement of the generation that will be tackling the challenges of the future;
-Supporting awareness raising, mobilisation and agenda setting through a Europe-wide multimedia storytelling campaign that leaves no one behind, combined with policy support and advice for the European Commission, Member States and Associated Countries, and local and regional authorities engaged in the project
-Creating a NEB Alliance of projects, platforms and networks working with the EU Cities Mission and NEB, to achieve a bigger impact - and be louder together
CrAFt supports over 100 cities in developing and deploying collaborative local governance models accelerating their journeys towards climate neutrality, while respecting their contexts, scale, history and people, and challenges derived from those. CrAFt’s main achievements so far include:
-Harvesting experiences from the Cities as a Commons framework, that can be used in the design and deployment of Climate City Contracts - CrAFt developed a report with 280 activities of Cities as a Commons as inspiration and supported the Swedish and Spanish national EU Cities Mission networks in incorporating the NEB values into their Climate City Contract models;
-Developing a NEB impact model - a first report was published, as well as a summary for cities. The NEB Impact Model is currently undergoing testing in 15 cities.
-Identifying and assessing 70+ potential innovative and collaborative local governance models, tools, stories, good practices and guidelines based on NEB values and principles;
-Working with 3 Sandbox Cities (Amsterdam, Bologna, and Prague) to co-create and test how NEB-inspired collaborative local governance models can support local authorities in identifying stakeholder needs and matching them with concrete opportunities in 7 pilot areas with student participation. 17 co-creation activities have brought local stakeholders together around their interventions to test different alternatives for the development of the areas;
-Building a community of 70+ CrAFt Cities in which we support social and organisational learning in urban innovation and demonstration projects – within the city and between cities – through cooperation with arts, cultural and creative sectors, inhabitants and communities. 9 CrAFt Cities sessions were organised and 3 mutual learning exercises were held with the CrAFt Reference Cities;
-Organised/co-organised 23 external events for 1988 stakeholders. We held an online event for, by and with the cultural sector in December 2023 and co-organised an on-site event for local and regional property owners in Bologna, during the annual CrAFt event in May 2023. 243 cultural, artistic and creative sector organisations and 40 property owners engaged;
-Hosting student STEAM teams (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) in the three partner universities and organised 3 Student Think/Do Tanks (reaching 13 universities and 85 students) to involve students from all disciplines in all aspects of the project to achieve a bottom-up involvement of the generation that will be tackling the challenges of the future;
-Supporting awareness raising, mobilisation and agenda setting through a Europe-wide multimedia storytelling campaign that leaves no one behind, with the first eight stories available in the website, combined with policy support and advice for the European Commission, Member States and Associated Countries, and local and regional authorities engaged in the project;
-Creating a NEB Alliance of projects, platforms and networks working with the EU Cities Mission and NEB, to achieve a bigger impact - and be louder together.
CrAFt collects and assesses varied experiences that include bottom-up approaches, cultural sensitivity, participatory decision-making, interdisciplinary teams, arts and culture, and makes them accessible to multiple stakeholders, building and sustaining capacity among them. Participatory practices enhance societal readiness, promoting debates and facilitating behavioural change. Sharing processes that led to successful realisations while supporting local adaptation can boost urban transformation through scaling and replication.
By developing a NEB-inspired Impact model, CrAFt provides a holistic approach to understanding and assessing projects, interventions, tools and other initiatives, fostering discussions and supporting decisions that consider the impacts and co-benefits with a broader understanding.