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Expanding Integrated Assessment Modelling: Comprehensive and Comprehensible Science for Sustainable, Co-Created Climate Action

Description du projet

Les actions à l’appui des politiques climatiques sont en deçà des objectifs visés

Un fossé sépare les politiques climatiques actuelles des objectifs de l’Accord de Paris. La différence a trait au niveau actuel des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre et aux réductions d’émissions nécessaires. Ce constat met en exergue la nécessité pour tous les pays de revoir leurs ambitions à la hausse et de mettre en œuvre une action climatique plus poussée afin de combler ce fossé et d’éviter les effets les plus destructeurs du changement climatique. Dans cette optique, le projet IAM COMPACT, financé par l’UE, concevra un train multidimensionnel de mesures politiques en ayant recours à un ensemble diversifié de modèles, d’outils et de connaissances issues de différents domaines. Le projet fera appel à des non-scientifiques dans le cadre du processus de modélisation. Il soutiendra également l’évaluation des objectifs en matière de climat mondial, des progrès accomplis et de l’espace de faisabilité.


Neither the first round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) nor currently implemented climate policies are on track to meeting the Paris Agreement’s objectives. Parties are expected to increase their ambition and produce new NDCs covering the post-2030 period. The design of a multi-dimensional set of policy measures that comprise countries’ climate policy agendas is supported by equally diverse integrated assessment modelling (IAM) activities. Notwithstanding the recent progress in the IAM literature and scenario space, the modelling world has fallen short of its promise to include non-scientists in its process; to account for individual choices and lifestyle changes that are indirectly narrated as assumptions not interacting with the vividly modelled technology-economy-environment-policy flows; and to place climate action as a cross-cutting theme in the sustainability spectrum.
IAM COMPACT will support the assessment of global climate goals, progress, and feasibility space, as well as the design of the next round of NDCs and policy planning beyond 2030 for major emitters and non-high-income countries. We will use a diverse ensemble of models, tools, and insights from social and political sciences and operations research, and will integrate bodies of knowledge to co-create the research process and enhance transparency, robustness, and policy relevance. We will explore the role of structural changes in major emitting sectors and of political, behaviour, and social aspects in mitigation; quantify factors promoting or hindering climate neutrality; and account for extreme scenarios, to deliver a range of global and national pathways that are environmentally effective, economically viable, politically feasible, and socially desirable. In doing so, we will fully account for COVID-19 impacts and recovery strategies, and align climate action with broader sustainability goals, while developing technical capacity and promoting ownership in non-high-income countries.

Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 601 562,00
157 72 ATHINA

Voir sur la carte

Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 601 562,50

Participants (20)

Partenaires (2)