Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SISTERS (Systemic Innovations for a SusTainable reduction of the EuRopean food waStage)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-11-01 bis 2023-04-30
The specific objectives of SISTERS project are:
SO1. To provide effective tools to primary producers for promoting direct and Short Chain sales, with impact at European level, in order to reduce food losses during the stage of food production. The feasibility study was submitted in M4 (D1.1) and the first version of the platform was presented in D1.3 (M14).
SO2. To reduce food losses during transportation integrating an effective tracking system into innovative containers. At this point in the project, the sensor kit has been produced for the transportation of bulk food. The report D2.2 (M9) contains information about the BulkBox Sensor Kit prototype, incorporated to the containers and the first test was completed. The report D2.3 (M18) contains information about the StoreBox Sensor Kit prototype.
SO3. To generate a range of high-performing, biodegradable, recyclable and compostable packaging materials. The report with specifications for the food packaging value chain was completed and submitted in month 12 (D3.2). Two generations of materials have been accomplished and characterized to investigate their thermal stability and mechanical properties. In addition, first biodegradability and disintegration tests were carried out.
SO4. To demonstrate superior performance of the SISTERS food packaging. The development of flexible film materials (stretch films, sealing films) and rigid packaging and further characterization has been carried out.
SO5. To deliver social, economic, and environmental-climatic co-benefits of the SISTERS project. The team has been working also in studying the state-of-the-art of the consumer perception towards bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable packaging and sustainable labelling systems. This information was compiled in the report from consumers for packaging prototyping (D5.2) submitted in M9.
SO6. To raise awareness among retailers and consumers for reducing food waste during consumption. The Dissemination & Communication Plan was finalised and submitted as deliverable D8.1 in M6 (April 2022). The project website and blog were prepared and submitted as deliverable D8.2 in M6 (April 2022). The information about the Communication Team goals was compiled at the Deliverable D8.3 (M7). The following deliverable were produced, The “D&C Plan for Producers” (D1.2) The “D&C Plan for Distributors” (D2.1) and the “D&C Plan for Processors” (D3.1) and finally the D5.1 “D&C Plan for consumers”.
SO7. To establish cross-sector synergies and interconnections with related initiatives to incorporate new coordinated schemes in the food system, ensuring EU leadership on sustainable packaging for the food industry.
A mapping activity of the EU bodies relevant for SISTERS was accomplished. Finally, the awarded consortiums in the Green Deal, Farm To Fork topics were contacted and several meetings have been carried out.
Smart and reusable food containers will be designed to diminish food losses during transportation, maintain bulk and packed food in ideal conditions with new accurate sensors allowing immediate reaction. WP2 has been focussed on defining the requirements and specifications needed to produce an Integrated Sensor Kit to be installed in the BulkBox and StoreBox containers to monitor key parameters. The first prototype of the sensor kit was tested and integrated to the BULKBOX lid. Real tests were made with food at FEM facilities.
Moreover, to improve the preservation and quality of food a set of bio-based and home compostable packaging solutions will be created. A total of 210 Kg of blends with biopolymers, the masterbatch of enzymes and other additives have been produced. Two generations of materials have been accomplished and tested to define the most suitable formulations for each application. Regarding the development of the bioactive food packaging additives, the potential food loss in large quantities and produced in the current period of the year that can be used for the process of extraction of bioactive additives have been identified.
The D&C and Visual Identity guidelines of SISTERS were completed in M4 (Feb 2022). A new technical content strategy for the project’s blog was started in M8, where all partners will contribute with a monthly technical or informative publication. The first press release was delivered after the project’s kick-off meeting (M2 – December 2022). Partners have completed a total of 11 media mentions and have participated in a total of 12 informative events.
The team has been working also in studying the state-of-the-art of the consumer perception towards bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable packaging and sustainable labelling systems.
The awarded consortiums within the 5 other subtopics in the Green Deal, Farm To Fork topic 6.1 and 3.2 have been contacted to understand the scope and identify synergies and co-organise the cooperation. Meetings with ZeroW, PestNu Projects and meetings with the Green Deal Support Office (GDSO) have been carried out. Finally, the team has started contacting EC. This was done after conducting a mapping activity of the EU bodies relevant for SISTERS.
The PESTEL analysis, Business Model Canvas of SISTERS, SWOT analysis of SISTERS, Four Fits analysis of SISTERS and IPR Strategy of SISTERS, considered all the KERs set. All this work has been compiled in the deliverable D6.1 Exploitation Plan and D6.2 IPR strategy.
An initial report of the situation of FLW in Europe has been developed for policy making interests. The report includes an evaluation of the European entities working in this field, a summary of relevant data and studies, and contains a general overview of European policies and regulations that affect the food wastage topic, investigating barriers and actual tools designed with the view of fighting FLW. The Report includes an Annex showing several European projects dealing with the food waste related topics, identified after a mapping exercise. The analysis has served as a basis for the discussion in the Working Groups as part of the activities planned for WP7 where inputs will be gathered thanks to the contribution of participants.