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GReen Energy Transition Actions

Resultado final

Multinational citizen consultation results database

This is related with task 3.3. This will ensure the availability of anonymised key outcomes (data and information derived from it) related to the multinational survey.

Non-energy related models at local level

This is related with T4.4. This will deliver models of energy citizenship behaviour based on survey results.

Energy-related base models at local level

This is related with T4.3. It will deliver methods for visualising energy-related data at a local, case study, level.

Understanding the role of Digitalization and Social Media on energy Citizens

This is related to Task 21 This report details the result of analysing social media related to energy topics in the case study contexts and the conclusions that can be drawn from this

Case study 1 report: Renewable energy district - Bologna Pilastro-Roveri, Italy

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 1.

Set of policy briefs with recommendations on energy citizenship emergence in the EU context

Assembly of results of the policymaker workshops and meetings. Final set of GRETA policy briefs on energy citizenship. The briefs will be organized under different categories and cover different geographic levels (local, national, EU-wide).

Final dissemination, communication and exploitation report

Describes the developments, barriers and lessons learned respective to the preliminary and second half of project’s CD&E activities in GRETA. It encompasses various types of work, including early promotional and project identity tasks, stakeholder and community relations, and dissemination, and results’ exploitation. (LINKED TO TASKS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4) (LINKED TO TASKS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)

Interrelations among different types of citizens in different geographic contexts

Crosslevel analysis of energy citizenship data in different geographic contexts Adopts a GISbased tool for georeferencing and spatializing the collected data

Community Transition Pathways' assessment across geographical levels

Assessment, including lessons learned on CTPs and ECCs definition and implementation within the context of the GRETA case studies. Here, the angle is on the impact on EU and international energy policies (link with WP6 activities).

Quality Assessment Plan

This document establishes the quality assurance methodology implemented in GRETA It covers aspects such as the internal review process and the adoption of templates as means to systematize and facilitate quality assessment procedures in the project This report also elaborates on the Qualityrelated responsibilities of the Quality Assurance and Risk Manager

Data integration and pre-processing

This is related with T41 This will deliver the process and the results of onboarding data for the use within modelling tasks in WP4

Ethics and Privacy Management Plan

Document detailing member state and EC compliance procedures related to ethical and privacy aspects of data creation use and processing in the project Among other issues it will tackle the support to the DMPs elaboration the monitoring of sensitive data exchange and use definition of a data handling strategy compatibility with relevant standards and norms and the consortiums adherence to the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020

Vision document on energy citizenship-based energy union (persons, essays, scenarios, winners and losers of energy transitions)

This is related with T12 Based on the Energy Justice Framework this deliverable outlines ways to get citizens more involved in the clean energy transition

Roadmap for Community Transition Pathways - Guidelines

Multi-level, case study-tailored CTP roadmaps for stimulating energy citizenship emergence. Each roadmap is based on own energy goals and strategies, which are framed within the GRETA framework for energy citizenship engagement.

Periodic dissemination, communication and exploitation report

Describes the developments, barriers and lessons learned found while undertaking preliminary and first half of project’s CD&E activities in GRETA. It encompasses various types of work, including early promotional and project identity tasks, stakeholder and community relations, and dissemination, and results’ exploitation. (LINKED TO TASKS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)

Report on the policy context for energy citizenship initiatives

Analysis of the policy context, its impact and relevance in each of the case studies and of the corresponding energy citizenship initiatives. Involves targeted desk and qualitative research methods.

Case study 5 report: Earnest App - A virtual community for sustainable mobility in Darmstadt, Germany

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 5.

Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Strategy

Entails a comprehensive account of the methods adopted in GRETA for communication of its developments and for exploitation of its results It includes elements linked to various areas of CDE such as stakeholder engagement project promotion and awareness raising scientific results dissemination social media etc LINKED TO TASK 71

Case study 2 report: Electric autonomous and connected mobility network

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 2.

Update of Project Management Plan

This is related to task 82 Revisedupdated version of the original Project Management Plan according to the project developments during the first reporting period Will be delivered just before the end of the second reporting period

A replicable workshop design template for co-creating Community Level Indicators

This is related to task 22 It describes a replicable approach for conducting workshops with diverse stakeholders for the purpose of codesign community level indicators that assess globally important changes at a local level

Key performance indicators: Definition and Methods

Report detailing the final set of project KPIs for monitoring the level of fulfilment of the GRETA projects objectives and the progress of its case studies This detailed inventory is an updated and refined version of the preliminary list of KPIs provided with the project proposal

Case study 3 report: Coopérnico - Renewable energy-driven cooperative, Portugal

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 3.

Definition of the modelling framework

This will provide a common framework that describes how modelling tasks 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 integrate with conceptual models.

2D GIS-based models for spatial analysis and scenario definition at regional, national and supranational levels

This is related with T4.6. This reports on the potential of different data sources for analysing geographic scale effects.

Project website

Describes the key developments and elements of the GRETA projects website Most importantly it will define how most efficiently the projects website will communicate and disseminate project news developments and outcomes as well as serve as a platform for continuous stakeholder engagement linked to the GRETA Community and other social network platforms LINKED TO TASK 72

Case study 6 report: Natural gas-free neighbourhoods, The Netherlands

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 6.

Stakeholder engagement framework

Identifies and maps the relevant project stakeholders from GRETA setting up as well the key general guidelinesrecommendations for engagement Defines CDE roles and elaborates specifically on the CDE desks to be set up in each case study LINKED TO TASK 74

Project Guidelines and Management Plan

An informative and detailed plan inclusive of a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS for GRETA to be delivered at a very early stage of the project It includes particulars such as schedules per task responsible partnerrelated subtasks respective deliverables and task dependencies This deliverable will be due just before the end of the first reporting period

Predictive modelling and scenario definition at local level

This is related with T4.5. It will report on predictive analysis from case study data to identify future situation of case studies.

Design principles for energy interfaces

This is related with T2. It describes a set of design principles for presenting energy information to citizens, as well as the results of prototyping and testing novel energy interfaces.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

Provides an extensive account of the potential implementation risks linked to the planned project activities and of the corresponding mitigation measures set in place by the project consortium This report also elaborates on the Risksrelated responsibilities of the Quality Assurance and Risk Manager

A set of community level indicators for six case studies

This is related to T22 It describes the set of community level indicators related with each case study that have been found via participatory design process

Knowledge and IPR Management Plan

Document addressing the management and safeguarding of proprietary knowledge and IPR produced in GRETA It puts forward a collectively agreed strategy mainly focused on access rights and exploitation to that knowledge and IPR

Guidelines on Energy Citizenship Contracts - Definition and implementation

Guiding document on collaborative implementation of energy citizenship contracts in each of the GRETA case studies. Based on the CTP roadmaps, it establishes and regulates the relations between the contract signatories/stakeholders, with goal of avoiding energy injustice and/or exclusion.

Taxonomy of geographical levels and drivers for energy citizenship emergence

Transversal taxonomy identifying major drivers and geographical levels of energy citizenship Takes into consideration a complex geographical dynamics going beyond the consideration of the standard administrative boundaries

Case study 4 report: UR BEROA - Energy efficiency-driven cooperative, Spain

This synthesizes across results obtained via tasks T3.1-3.4. It contextualises the results in the context of case study 4.

Report on citizens' input and public commitment to GRETA's policy recommendations

Reports on the outcomes of WP6’s energy policy workshops with citizens, in each of the GRETA case studies. Based on these results, it offers a citizen-validated and/or refined selection of the earlier drafted energy policy recommendations.

Draft policy recommendations based on results from previous WPs

Synthesis of key project outcomes and lessons learned and preliminary set of GRETA policy recommendations. It entails a critical comparison of case study findings and a compilation of each WP’s outcome from an energy policy implications perspective. It also reports on the realization of virtual energy policy workshops with both project partners and EEAB members.

Analytical framework with state-of-the art review on current status knowledge on energy citizenship - GRETA framework for energy citizenship emergence

This deliverable is related with T11 It contains a state of the art review on current views on energy citizenship identifying common drivers and barriers for energy citizenship which informs the development of the energy citizenship framework

Data Management Plan - DMP

A crucial document addressing all aspects around data linked to the GRETA project most specifically the detailed procedures for data collection storage and protection data standards used accessibility and exploitation aspects curation and preservation IPR management and other related topics The DMP will also tackle compliance and adherence to data standards and detail the attribution of roles and responsibilities within the consortium for data protectionrelated matters


Energy citizenship. Tools and technologies to enable transition in districts

Autores: Danila Longo, Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger, Martina Massari, Giulia Turci
Publicado en: TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2023, ISSN 2239-0243
Editor: Firenze University Press
DOI: 10.36253/techne-13721

Energy citizenship: Accounting for the heterogeneity of human behaviours within energy transition

Autores: Luise Schlindwein, Carlos Montalvo
Publicado en: Energy Policy, 2023, ISSN 1873-6777
Editor: Elsevier Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113662

Exploring the energy informatics and energy citizenship domains: a systematic literature review

Autores: Ajesh Kumar, Bilal Naqvi, Annika Wolff
Publicado en: Energy Informatics, 2023, ISSN 2520-8942
Editor: Springer Open
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-023-00268-1

Exploring energy citizenship at a community level

Autores: Ajesh Kumar, Bilal Naqvi, S M Tahsinur Rahman
Publicado en: C&T '23: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2023
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery
DOI: 10.1145/3593743.3593774

Co-creating Community-level Indicators: Involving Communities in the Digitalization of Energy for Empowering Energy Citizenship

Autores: Ajesh Kumar, Annika Wolff, Bilal Naqvi
Publicado en: 2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2023
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/mipro57284.2023.10159888

Understanding the role of digitalization and social media on energy citizenship

Autores: Lurian Klein, Ajesh Kumar, Annika Wolff, Bilal Naqvi
Publicado en: Open Research Europe, 2023
Editor: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.15267.1

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