Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HEROES (Novel Strategies to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Crimes and Protect their Victims)
Período documentado: 2021-12-01 hasta 2022-11-30
contribution with LEAs by developing an appropriate, victim-centred approach that is capable of addressing specific needs and providing protection.
The HEROES project’s main objective is to use technology to improve the way in which help and support can be provided to victims of THB and CSA/CSE. Moreover, the HEROES project will establish new innovative strategies that in the short, medium and long term will improve the way in which LEAs and CSOs carry out criminal investigations, assist rescued victims, and prevent the occurrence of these crimes.
- Functional and non-functional requirements for the HEROES toolkit were defined. The consortium carried out desk research and literature analysis combined with focused contribution from the consortium partners and multi-stakeholder to obtain a knowledge-based approach with the intent to combine knowledge generation with awareness raising/information-sharing among the consortium partners and multi-stakeholder, thus facilitating a mutual understanding of the THB and CSA/CSE crimes, the real priorities and the specific user requirements. The consortium was also able to identify comprehensive collection of good practices, current practices and gaps, in methods used for protection, investigation and victim assistance of cases of THB and CSA/CSE, and the needs that various professional categories have towards their successful training with regards to issues of THB, CSA/CSE.
- Examination of the main ethical, legal and societal issues relevant to HEROES tools, establishment of a set of principles and ethical requirements to be combined with the functional requirements, engagement with technical partners: monitoring the design and development of the HEROES tools. Ethical, legal and privacy support, Workshop of sensitisation of the consortium to privacy, ethical, societal issues and AI, research on the current legal framework around e-evidence and the proposed e-evidence legislative package and possible constraints with data protection. Engagement with law enforcement partners within the consortium to understand the difficulties faces when requesting and obtaining e-evidence from countries outside their jurisdiction and within the EU. Provide privacy by design and ethics by design support for data gathering, information exchange, and the development, training and testing of the tools. - Scanning the horizon for ethical issues that could arise in relation to digital forensics, by reviewing items in ethics and technology journals, social media, articles in the professional press, the proceedings of digital forensics and technology ethics conferences, the news media, and other sources.
- Consortium partner is working on three technical tools to prevent and report CSA/E and THB, raise awareness on the issue, and develop training programs to strengthen stakeholders on prevention and detection. Particularly, focusing on prevention, the Guide to help adults talk with children about online crimes, and the Red Heart Campaign has launched in Bangladesh. In addition, the outline of the training on Recognising, Intervening, and Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings on a Local, National and Global Scale, has been designed.