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Strengthening a comprehensive approach to preventing and counteracting radicalisation based on a universal evIdeNce-based moDEl for Evaluation of raDicalisation prevention and mitigation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INDEED (Strengthening a comprehensive approach to preventing and counteracting radicalisation based on a universal evIdeNce-based moDEl for Evaluation of raDicalisation prevention and mitigation)

Período documentado: 2021-09-01 hasta 2023-02-28

The INDEED project started in September 2021 and aims to strengthen the knowledge, capabilities and skills of PVE/CVE and De-radicalisation first-line practitioners and policy makers in designing, planning, implementation and in evaluating initiatives in the field, based on evidence-based approach. INDEED builds from the state-of-the-art, utilising the scientific and practical strengths of recent activities – enhancing them with complementary features to drive advancements and curb a growing rise of radical views and violent behaviour threatening security.

The INDEED consortium placed great emphasis on evaluation. It should be treated as an integral part of the entire process of designing an initiative, which is why INDEED shows its place in the entire process from design through implementation to evaluation. In addition, previous studies conducted by the RAN, the EUCPN confirmed that the evaluation is a weakness that is missing or, if present, poorly conducted and needs more attention.

At the core of INDEED's work methodology is an interdisciplinary and participatory approach, which includes the co-creation of individual project phases and implementing them with the close engagement of multi-sectoral stakeholders. The creation of SMART Hubs (Stakeholder Multisectoral Anti-Radicalisation Teams) as part of INDEED has facilitated this process. SMART Hubs are external stakeholder groups that are potential users of INDEED results and both co-creators, because by engaging SMART Hubs members in individual project activities, their needs are collected, and their comments and input are taken into account.

The following target participation groups have been identified as a key target groups for INDEED to ensure a real multi-agency, multi-stakeholder, multi-/interdisciplinary approach. The Figure below provides a detailed illustration of the project’s target groups:
-First-line Practitioners:Law Enforcement Agencies, prison and probation services, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society organisations (CSOs), social and health services, youth organisations working in the field of PVE/CVE and De-radicalisation.
-Policy makers: local, regional, national, and European authorities, and governmental organisations.
-Education and Research: universities, academic intuitions, research organisations, educational institutions, training institutions, staff colleges, EU projects interested in the topic etc.
-Other: all other relevant stakeholders that fall outside the above three groups; people and groups interested in the topics of the project such as citizens and youth organisations, media, social groups, schools etc.

All these 4 groups make up the INDEED SMART Hubs.

INDEED promotes the EU’s values and principles; heeding multi-agency and cross-sectoral methods, including gender mainstreaming, societal dimensions and fundamental rights.

In order to achieve the overarching goal of the project indicated above, INDEED has set five (5) project-specific objectives and several detailed objectives which it has been implementing since September 2021:
1) To develop a co-created evidence-based approach to the evaluation of PVE / CVE and De-radicalisation initiatives, and design, plan and implement such initiatives in proven manner.
2) To foster capacity building, knowledge transfer and skills development in the evaluation of PVE / CVE and De-radicalisation initiatives and in the designing, planning, and implementation of the preventive and mitigating measures.
3)To contribute to increasing the sense of security among EU citizens by improving the effectiveness of policies and security measures in the area of PVE / CVE / De-radicalisation.
4) To increase the visibility of INDEED outcomes and facilitate processes for their broad use, exploitation and sustainability.
5) To ensure ethics-centred evaluation and design, enshrining gender mainstream, fundamental rights standards, and societal desirability at the core of PVE / CVE / De-radicalisation initiatives
Among the main INDEED results achieved in the first reporting period (by February 2023) are:

1. Digital repository of studies on risk and protective factors (WP1).
2. A universal Evidence-Based Evaluation Model (EBEM) for evaluating radicalisation prevention and mitigation initiatives (WP3).
3. Professional two e-guidebooks (WP3).

The remaining main results to be delivered in the second half of the project are:
1. EBEM-based Evaluation Tool (WP3).
2. Repository of evidence-based initiatives (WP4).
3. Lessons learnt and policy recommendations (WP4).
4. Learning resources such as podcasts, webinars, video interviews (WP5).
5. Targeted curricula and trainings (offline/ online) with e-learning suite. (WP5).
6. Multilingual Toolkit with all results integrated (WP5).

All results will be integrated and openly accessible in the INDEED multilingual Toolkit for practitioners and policy makers in the field for the entire lifecycle of PVE/CVE and De- radicalisation initiatives, from design to evaluation. At the end of February 2023 (M18), the landing page of the Toolkit was launched, while the integration of individual INDEED results in this space is planned for the second part of the project.

The overall project progress and thus the achievement of the objectives is as planned and is in line with the Milestone and Deliverable requirements due in half of the project. Twenty-nine (29) deliverables were delivered in the first half of the project, which is all that was planned.

All six (6) of the eleven (11) milestones have been achieved in the first half of the project and the remaining five (5) are expected to be reached by the end of the project.

All details about work performed and results achieved broken down into Work Packages are presented in the 1st Periodic Technical Report.
As assumed during the design of the INDEED assumptions, the project gradually contributes with its implementation to all medium and long-term effects by contributing to policies related to establishing protection and ensuring the internal security of the European Union, and thus guaranteeing the sense of security of its citizens as an overarching goal.
During the reporting period, the INDEED contribution progress to the expected impact has been in line with what have be stated on section 2.1 of the DoA. The status is presented in the 1st Periodic Technical Report.