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U-space for UAM

Descripción del proyecto

Vuelos altos y seguros con vehículos de movilidad aérea urbana

En este proyecto de demostración a muy gran escala de SESAR, se llevará a cabo una serie de demostraciones multinacionales con drones y vehículos de movilidad aérea urbana (UAM, por sus siglas en inglés) que abarcarán diferentes casos de uso, incluidas las operaciones mixtas. A fin de garantizar la introducción segura de los UAM en la región europea, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos Uspace4UAM acortará la brecha entre el desarrollo y el despliegue de las capacidades y los servicios del U-space. Abordará cuestiones relativas a los conceptos, las normas y los reglamentos operativos y, al mismo tiempo, reforzará la confianza en una integración segura y ordenada del tráfico aéreo diario de los UAM. Las conclusiones mostrarán cómo la regulación y la normalización pueden ayudar a los innovadores a establecer un modelo de negocio sostenible mientras operan de forma segura en una red de transporte multimodal que incluye servicios de taxis aéreos urbanos totalmente autónomos.


Aiming to bridge the gap between development and deployment, this VLD project will tackle issues of operational concepts, regulation, and standards, while building confidence in a safe and orderly integration of UAM in every days air traffic. It will do this with a consortium of forward-looking cities and ANSPs, national regulators and EASA, a well experienced UTM provider, as well as eVTOL manufacturers, research centers, and technology providers. A series of well defined, iterative and multi-national demonstrations, both with drones and UAM vehicles will be conducted. They will cover different use cases, including mixed operations, to allow the project to derive critical enablers for a wide set of UAM service applications that can be applied all over Europe.

Uspace4UAM will build on the CORUS project results and on operational and business experience already gathered in operational drone service implementations in Europe. it will study safety cases and their impact on system requirements, and look at how regulation and standardisation can be set up to support innovators to build a sustainable business case while operating safely in a multi-modal transport network. This project is set to deliver results that are of real interest to “early movers”, enabling them to bring a real market impact in the next few years. In order to prove that this will be achieved, and that indeed the project has laid a bridge between development and deployment, the project is set to deliver a number of commercial contracts for the provision of fully automated drone services, and present solutions to identified gaps towards fully autonomous Urban Air Taxi services.

Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 964 323,60
148 00 Praha

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Česko Severozápad Ústecký kraj
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 692 218,55

Participantes (13)