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The deliverable will propose a methodology guide to the consortium partners how to organise in each priority area of the Robotics4EU project 4 online workshops and 1 physical workshop as well as the final event The methodology ensures that similar approach will be used for all workshops
Project´s management plan v2D62 is the final project and data management plan to be submitted by M18 It updates the D61 initial project plan where the Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks are provided The final plan is about to draw conclusions on the project management so far and plan the M1936 of the project based on the projects implementation experience
Responsible robotics maturity assessment model (initial)LNE will propose a maturity assessment model to evaluate the maturity of non-technological aspects of robotics in the focus areas of the project: health, agri-food, agile production, inspection and maintenance of infrastructure. Deliverable 1.3 presents the initial version of the model.
Robotics business ideas validationThe deliverable will give an overview about online citizen consultation to validate robotics business ideas and citizen consultations at events.
Responsible robotics advocacy reportThis deliverable is about proposing a Responsible robotics advocacy report and organising a policy debate to present the project results.
Knowledge transfer and capacity building in inspection and maintenance of infrastructureThe deliverable will summarise the content of the 4 online workshops and 1 physical workshop organised to transfer knowledge and build the capacity related to the deployment of robots in inspection and maintenance of infrastructure.
Exploitation Strategy v1To assure the sustainability of the project results, an Exploitation Strategy will be proposed to concretise the value of the project and assess the internal and external conditions that will affect the sustainability. By M19 the initial version of the strategy will be compiled.
Report on dissemination and communication activities v2As part of the T5.3 Promotion of the project and European robotics community LOBA as the dissemination and communication leader will provide an overview of the communication activities of the project from M19-36. It will incude information about the projects´ promotion activities, promotional and teaser videos, promotion of the European robotics community and publishing articles in media.
Societal Readiness Plan of Robotics4EU projectSocietal Readiness Plan will be formulated by M3, that includes:•Strategy and guidelines for the consortium how to implement the principles of responsible research and innovation. •Strategy for assessing the societal readiness throughout the project activities.
Knowledge transfer and capacity building in agile productionThe deliverable will summarise the content of the 4 online workshops and 1 physical workshop organised to transfer knowledge and build the capacity related to the deployment of robots in agile production.
Exploitation Strategy v2To assure the sustainability of the project results, an Exploitation Strategy will be proposed to concretise the value of the project and assess the internal and external conditions that will affect the sustainability. By M36 the initial version of the strategy will be updated based on the project results.
First Responsible Robotics Expert Group MeetupRobotics4EU will engage up to 10 representatives of previously funded EC projects robotics industry citizens and policydecision makers in robotics into a Responsible Robotics Expert Group dividing the project The deliverable presents the results of the first Expert Group Meetup that is about discussing the goals of the project and engaging the community
Responsible robotics maturity assessment model (final)By the end of the project LNE has developed a responsible robotics maturity assessment model that has been tested in co-operation with the stakeholders throughout the activities. The deliverable analyses the work done since M7 when the initial model was presented and introduces the final responsible robotics maturity assessment model.
Robotics community, citizens and policy makers needs analysesThe deliverable will summarise the needs analyses of the robotics community and users. It includes the results of the desktop analyses, robotics community and policy consultation.
Co-creation workshops to test robotics applicationsThe deliverable presents the outputs of the 4 co-creation workshops to test robotics solutions in application areas.
Report on the high-level stakeholder forumThe report summarises the outputs of the final conference of WP4 that will engage all 4 priority areas and present the results and main conclusions of events organised in WP3.
Project´s Management Plan v1The D61 Initial project management plan including the Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS will be completed by M3 It includes a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks The plan will be revised by M18
Second Responsible Robotics Expert Group meetupThe deliverable summarises the results of the second Responsible Robotics Expert Group meetup.
Citizen consultations reportSupported by the EngageSuite platform a multi-country citizen engagement process, GlobalSay, DBT will identify citizens’ wishes and concerns related to the potential take-up of robotics by citizens and businesses that will be presented in D4.1.
Knowledge transfer and capacity building in healthcareThe deliverable will summarise the content of the 4 online workshops and 1 physical workshop organised to transfer knowledge and build the capacity related to the deployment of robots in healthcare.
Report on the liaison with existing networks and interactive exhibition v1A virtual itinerant exhibition introducing robotics in application areas and cross-cutting topics of responsible robotics will be put together and presented at external events. The consortium will attend cross-clustering and cooperation activities with other projects in order to take advantage of already established stakeholders’ networks. The deliverable summarises the results from M1-18.
Transferring the results to the standardization bodiesRobotics4EU will transfer the results of the project to the standardization bodies. The results of the project will be presented to the national and European standardization commissions to provide inputs for future standards and the deliverable gives an overview about this activity.
Dissemination and communication plan v2The second version of the Strategic Dissemination and Communication plan will consider the project implementation practice during the first 15 months and will adjust the initial plan Final Dissemination and Communication Plan will guide the dissemination and communication activities until the end of the project
Knowledge transfer and capacity building in agri-foodThe deliverable will summarise the content of the 4 online workshops and 1 physical workshop organised to transfer knowledge and build the capacity related to the deployment of robots in agri-food.
Project´s StationeryThe deliverable summarises visual development and supporting materials of Robotics4EU aiming for the development of a strong brand and all the material necessary for an efficient communication and dissemination of the project In D61 Projects Stationary an overview will be given on these activities
Report on the liaison with existing networks and interactive exhibition v2A virtual itinerant exhibition introducing robotics in application areas and cross-cutting topics of responsible robotics will be put together and presented at external events. The consortium will attend cross-clustering and cooperation activities with other projects in order to take advantage of already established stakeholders’ networks. The deliverable summarises the results from M19-36.
Report on dissemination and communication activities v1As part of the T5.3 Promotion of the project and European robotics community LOBA as the dissemination and communication leader will provide an overview of the communication activities of the project from M1-18. It will incude information about the projects´ promotion activities, promotional and teaser videos, promotion of the European robotics community and publishing articles in media.
Dissemination and communication plan v1Strategic Dissemination and Communication plan is the strategy for the dissemination and communication of the project that will be devised at initial stages of the project and presented in D52 It is the first version of the document that will be updated by M16
The deliverable presents the final version of the Robotics4EU platform that will be built of the AI4EU platform consisting of all public results of the project.
Robotics4EU Platform technical infrastructure and navigation pathThe deliverable presents the first version of the Robotics4EU platform that will be built of the AI4EU platform. A tailored technical infrastructure and navigation path will be designed and implemented to fulfil the interests and requirements of the stakeholders identified in WP1 and throughout the project activities.
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