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Risultati finali
This deliverable is the outcome of task T2.2. and will include a report on the developed robot software framework describing the abstraction features and functionalities that will permit to automatically adapt to different configurations of the reconfigurable CONCERT platform. The deliverable will also release the modules and libraries of the software framework.
Final integrated systemThis deliverable is the final outcome of tasks T5.1 - T5.5. The deliverable will consist of the final version of the integrated CONCERT reconfigurable platform that will incorporate the final hardware, software and control modules available in M32. This final version of he CONCEPRT platform is operational and forms the system that will be validated using the challenge tasks and scenarios in WP7 in relevant settings.
Preliminary integrated systemThis deliverable is the first outcome of tasks T5.1 - T5.5. The deliverable will consist of preliminary version of the integrated CONCERT reconfigurable platform that will incorporate the hardware components and the first version of software and control libraries available in M24. The CONCERT platform is operational and its functionality and performance is verified by preliminary experimental trials
Software tools for mission-task definitionThis deliverable is associated with results of T2.3 and will include a report, outlining the development of software tools for modelling and parametrization of tasks and for defining the mission tasks by a user on-site, as well as the corresponding software prototype demonstrators with intuitive interfaces.
Software tools for modular configurable robots synthesisDeliverable D2.4 is the outcome of T2.4 providing algorithms for configuration synthesis of the modular robot components developed in T2.1, starting from task requirements which can be uncertain and defined as in T2.3. This deliverable will include a report and corresponding software protoype demonstrators.
Multi-scale, multi-modal sensing frameworkDeliverable D4.2 will report on the definition of the multi-scale, multi-modal sensing framework within T4.2. In addition to that the connection to the domain information of D7.1 is reported.
Control toolbox for modular configurable robotsDeliverable D2.5 is the outcome of T2.5 and T2.6 on gathering in a toolbox the software tools that will permit the automatic deployment of the motion control of the configurable robotic platform for manipulation as well as the automatic deployment of navigation control of the CONCERT configurable robotic platform. The deliverable will include a report and the software toolbox demonstrator.
Shared mental model componentsThis deliverable is the outcome of T4.5 and includes the realized prototype demonstrators for the Mental Models, Reasoning Component, and Planning Component. It is essential for the system assembly in T5.4.
Open source simulation and model generation toolsThis deliverable is associated to the results of T1.5 to obtain open source tools for simulations and the automatic generation of models of configurable robots. The deliverable will include a report and software prototype demonstrators of the developed tools.
Multi-scale, multi-modal sensor fusion componentThis deliverable is associated with results of T4.3 and will include the realized prototype demonstrators of the multi-scale, multi-modal sensor fusion component. It is essential for the system assembly in T5.4.
Safety assurance control modulesThis deliverable is associated to the results of T3.1 towards open-source tools for online verification using reachable sets of surrounding humans and considering the robots that can be configured with the CONCERT robotic platform. D3.2 will include a report and software prototype demonstrators.
Focussed scale robot sensorThis deliverable is associated with results of T3.1 and will include a report on detailed information to integrate the focus scale robot sensor in the sensor fusion framework as well as a description of test scenario data to test the fusion component of T4.4.
Add-on proximity sensing principlesThis deliverable will report on the principles and solutions developed with T1.4 to realized proximity and contact perception functionality that will be integrated on the bodies of the modular components developed in T1.2. The deliverable will include a report and prototype demonstrators of the proximity/contact sensing modules.
This deliverable will report the the status of networking and community building activities done in T8.4. This will include reports on communications and joint actions performed by the end of the project with national communities, EU clusters/projects and relevant DIHs.
Configurable robot control platform requirementsThis deliverable is the outcome of T21 and will report the functional and technical requirements of the control of the CONCERT configurable robotic platform These requirements outlined in D21 will steer the developments within tasks T22T26 towards automatic deployment and tuning of the control of the CONCERT configurable robotic platform
DIHs engagement planThis deliverable results from T84 and will define in details the roadmap for engaging all target DiHs
Technical and functional evaluation of configurable robotThis deliverable will report on the validation results of the CONCERT platform and its functionalities from the perspective of the technical specifications. It will report the outcome of the early assessment trials in T7.3 executed in lab demonstrators in order to produce the technical performance data of the different components of the platform and the system as we whole.
Use-cases outline, requirements and KPIs - v1The main outcome of the deliverable will provide a description of the areas of the construction sites selected for the demonstration of the CONCERT platform and will detail the use case tasks and their requirements
Definition of interaction possibilitiesThis deliverable is the outcome of T41 and will include a report on interaction possibilities between the human and the robot based on usecases definitions from D71 The report further contains a description of the collection procedure for selected sensors and information on data exchange
Occupational health and safety, acceptability and usability assessmentThis deliverable will cover the change in hazard assessment between work accompanied by robots and work before robots were introduced into the working environment. It will also describe the usability and acceptability of robots at workplaces. Perceptions of workers, managers, and company OSH experts will be included.
Stakeholders and users' engagement and training - v1This deliverable will report the activities on the implementation of the Living lab and training session and the outcome and conclusions of these activities executed during the meetings with stakeholders and potential users
Dynamic shared autonomy and role allocation planningThis deliverable is an outcome of T4.4. It will deliver a role allocation aand re-allocation framework capable of online allocation and reallocation of roles, based on the varying agents’ conditions (e.g., human fatigue) and the task state recognition from T4.5 to ensure productivity and ergonomics of the entire work-process
Legal analysis of the technology - v2This deliverable provides an update on the legal aspects in individual EU countries concerning the use of construction site autonomous robots. Based also on the collected data, barriers of the use of robots on construction site will be collected and proposals for their removal will be made. If barrier-free countries are identified, the preposition of the guidelines for robot application will be made.
Updaded dissemination material available, flyer, roll up etcThis deliverable as a result of T8.1 and will deliver an updated project poster and dissemination leaflets presenting the latest significant results and work progress of the project.
Embedded cognitive actuation principlesThis deliverable will report on the concepts realizing the embedded cogntive actuation principles within T1.6 that concern the developments of self-regulated impedance methods and robot power modulation techniques within the control framework of the CONCERT configurable robot platform.
Technical requirements of configurable robot componentsThis deliverable is the outcome of T11 and will report the technical requirements of the CONCERT configurable robot and its electromechanical components These technical requirements outlined in D11 will steer the developments within tasks T11T14 towards the realization of the CONCERT configurable robot components
Detailed dissemination and communication plan and activities - v2This deliverable will produce the updated version of the dissemination and communication plan covering the events and dissemination activities of each partner and the consortium as a whole.
Acceptability, usability and interaction requirements - v1The first version of this deliverable will outline the list the robot features that will ensure acceptance by end users especially by the construction workers The deliverable will also provide guidelines for robots how to ensure an adequate degree of usability
Legal analysis of the technology - v1This deliverable will report on the legal aspects in individual EU countries concerning the use of construction site autonomous robots or robots cooperating with humans
Acceptability, usability and interaction requirements -v2This is an updated version of the list of desired robot features related to acceptability usability and interaction They revised features will consider also the developments of the project in the first period taking into account the features of the technological solutions and tools developed
Stakeholders and users' engagement and training - v2This deliverable will provide an update on the activities on the implementation of the Living lab and training session and the outcome and conclusions of these activities executed during the meetings with stakeholders and potential users.
Tools to examine societal and psychosocial risks and opportunitiesThis deliverable will cover the description of the research methodology to examine societal and psychosocial risks and opportunities existing in robot accompanied work It will include questionnaries for in depth interviews with workers accompanied by the configurable collaborative robots and those who work without them as well as with their supervisors and managers
Adaptation control in physical interactionDeliverable D3.3 is the results of T3.3 which extends T3.2 to also verify physical interactions with the robot configurations that can result from the CONCERT configurable robotic platform providing new methods for computing the set of possible interaction forces using reachability analysis. This deliverable will include a report and software prototype demonstrators related to the developed methods.
Detailed dissemination and communication plan and activities - v1The dissemination and communication plan defined in this deliverable will cover events and dissemination activities of each partner as well as a communication activities for the consortium as a whole It will be created in T82
Virtual reality environment facilitating health and safety guidelinesThis deliverable is the outcome of T6.4 and it will contain a virtual environment of the construction site along with a 3D robot model. The results will be used in T6.4 for safety guideline preparation.
Use-cases outline, requirements and KPIs - v2An update version of the description of the use-case tasks will be provided in this deliverable. The deliverable will also introduce a detail plan for execution of experimental with the CONCERT platform within the use-case demonstrators. The plan will provide information about the robot setup requirements, the experimental trial execution procedures within the use-case demonstrators.
Occupational health and safety guidelinesThis deliverable is the outcome of T6.4 and it will contain guidelines for the safe use of modular robots, taking into account the specifics of hazards on the construction site.
Task efficiency and cost assessmentThis deliverable i associated with T7.4 will report on the results obtained concerning to what extent the developed technologies can contribute to the improvement of efficiency, productivity and reduction of cost of the executed construction tasks. The various related KPIs will be assessed on the basis of demonstration activities that were carried out on construction sites. Based on these results and experience obtained the deliverable will discuss the usefulness of individual robot components and the full platform as a whole within the use-case demonstrators.
Societal and psychosocial indicationsThis deliverable will report and conclude on psychosocial and societal hazards related to robot accompanied work.
Standardization and open source / open data conceptionOverview of contributions to standards development and in particular in the Open Source community to foster the implementation of Open Source and Open Data in manufacturing
D81 is an outcome of T81 and will deliver the Website introducing the project and partners frequent updates Website presenting the project and partners aimed at providing fast and efficient dissemination of information to target groups and the general public The website will comprise an informative introduction to the technical concepts addressed by the project the partners profile the main achievements of the project including relevant publications presentation of the training material a calendar of events related to the project a press club section The first version of this dissemination deliverable at M3 will consist of a initial version of the project poster and dissemination leaflets to be used in different occasions workshops project meeting conferences etc Moreover a coordinated set of reports and presentation templates of the project results will be prepared in accordance with a corporate logo image of the project concerning the fonts colors styles and templates
Contributions to open communities, associations and clustersThis deliverable covers the results of T8.4. It contrast to the description of activities in D8.6 it contains contributions to websites, press and media articles, videos etc.
Carmen Marcher; Andrea Giusti; Dominik T. Matt
Pubblicato in:
Applied Sciences; Volume 11; Numero 23; Pages: 11415, Numero 2, 2021, ISSN 2076-3417
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Ruscelli F, Laurenzi A, Tsagarakis NG and Mingo Hoffman E
Pubblicato in:
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Sec. Field Robotics, 2022, ISSN 2296-9144
Frontiers Media S.A.
Romiti, Edoardo; Malzahn, Jörn; Kashiri, Navvab; Iacobelli, Francesco; Ruzzon, Marco; Laurenzi, Arturo; Mingo Hoffman, Enrico; Muratore, Luca; Margan, Alessio; Baccelliere, Lorenzo; Cordasco, Stefano; Tsagarakis, Nikos
Pubblicato in:
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, ISSN 1083-4435
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Andrea Giusti; Stefan B. Liu; Matthias Althoff
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Numero 2, 2021, ISSN 1063-6536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Carlo Nainer, Andrea Giusti
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Numero Volume 7, Numero 2, 2022, Pagina/e 5286-5293, ISSN 2377-3766
D. Torielli, L. Muratore, A. Laurenzi and N. Tsagarakis
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, ISSN 2377-3766
Carlo Nainer, Maddalena Feder, Andrea Giusti
Pubblicato in:
IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021, Pagina/e 45-52, ISSN 2161-8089
Romiti, Edoardo; Kashiri, Navvab; Malzahn, Jörn; Tsagarakis, Nikos
Pubblicato in:
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021
Davide Torielli; Luca Muratore; Nikos Tsagarakis
Pubblicato in:
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on In- telligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
Merlo, E., Lamon, E., Fusaro, F., Lorenzini, M., Carfì, A., Mastrogiovanni, F., Ajoudani, A.
Pubblicato in:
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
Alessio De Luca; Luca Muratore; Nikos G. Tsagarakis
Pubblicato in:
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on In- telligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
D. Sirintuna, A. Giammarino, and A. Ajoudani
Pubblicato in:
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on In- telligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
D. Torielli, L. Bertoni, N. Tsagarakis and L. Muratore
Pubblicato in:
International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2021, Pagina/e 688-694
Stefan Boson Liu and Matthias Althoff
Pubblicato in:
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021
L. Bertoni, D. Torielli, Y. Zhang, N. G. Tsagarakis and L. Muratore
Pubblicato in:
International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2021, Pagina/e 722-729
Gandarias, Juan M.; Balatti, Pietro; Lamon, Edoardo; Lorenzini, Marta; Ajoudani, Arash
Pubblicato in:
2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
Sven R. Schepp, Jakob Thumm, Stefan B. Liu, and Matthias Althoff
Pubblicato in:
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
Jakob Thumm and Matthias Althoff
Pubblicato in:
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
Muratore, L. , Laurenzi, A. , Tsagarakis, N. G.
Pubblicato in:
Robotics Software Design and Engineering, 2021, ISBN 978-1-83969-292-5
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