Demonstrator built as a result of the activities performed in task 8.2.
This package includes the communication elements, guidelines and profiles designed to generate the project visual identity. This deliverable is part of first dissemination and communication campaign (DCC1) planned in task 9.1.
Final event: Technology Transfer WorkshopReport gathering the outcomes of the final event planned for the project closure in order to speed the dissemination of the final project results and encourage technology transfer This deliverable is part of last dissemination and communication campaign DCC3 planned in task 91
Rajesh Mehta
Milad Golkaram
Jack T.W. E. Vogels
Eugene Someren
Spela Ferjan
Jelmer Lennartz
Publié dans:
Journal of Industrial Ecology, Numéro 27, 2023, ISSN 1088-1980
MIT Press
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