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Bridges to assess the production and impact of migration narratives

Descripción del proyecto

Producción e impacto de las narrativas migratorias en Europa

El aumento de los flujos migratorios alimentó narrativas que contribuyeron a la politización y polarización de la sociedad de la Unión Europea. El proyecto BRIDGES, financiado con fondos europeos, se propone estudiar las causas y consecuencias de las narrativas migratorias en las sociedades europeas. El proyecto se centrará en seis Estados miembros y exmiembros para analizar cómo las narrativas se vuelven dominantes en el debate político, conforman actitudes individuales e influyen en la política a escala nacional y europea. Abordará también cómo individuos y responsables políticos se convierten en productores de narración que se influyen entre sí. BRIDGES desarrollará una tipología de estrategias de gobierno para hacer frente a narrativas populistas y alentará la redacción de políticas basadas en pruebas, la creación de espacios de diálogo entre productores narrativos y el intercambio de mejores prácticas innovadoras.


BRIDGES aims to understand the causes and consequences of migration narratives in a context of increasing politicisation and polarisation. By focusing on six current/former EU countries (FR, GE, HU, IT, SP, and UK), it has a three-fold objective. First, at the academic level, it aims to understand the processes of narrative production and impact and their mutual interaction. This entails analysing: a) why some narratives have become dominant over others in public and political debates from a historical perspective; b) how narratives shape individual attitudes in Europe and potential migrants’ decisions in countries of origin and transit; c) how narratives impact policy decisions and outputs both at the national and EU levels; and d) how individuals and policymakers become in turn narrative producers (‘shaped shapers’) and influence each other. Second, at the policy level, it aims to foster evidence-based policies. By developing a typology of government strategies for responding to populist narratives, we will provide policymakers with recommendations on how to redress a tendency towards increasingly symbolic policies in the field of migration and integration. Third, at the societal level, our objective is to create spaces for dialogue between actors involved in narrative production as well as to exchange innovative good practices among artistic communities, civil society organisations and migrant communities focused on how to build more inclusive accounts. The project objectives can only be achieved if we bridge – hence the name BRIDGES – several critical gaps between disciplines and between research and practice. A key added value of the project is its interdisciplinarity and co-production approaches, including three interactive workshops with policy, media and civil society actors, an itinerant photojournalism exhibition and two hip hop contests to reflect on the challenges of multicultural and increasingly diverse societies.

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 766 260,00
08001 Barcelona

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 766 260,00

Participantes (11)