CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
The deliverable will describe the section of the projects website dedicated to the training portal The portal will provide access to the training resources and in particular to the following topics community management to plan sustainable tourism destinations best practices for socioeconomic local development strategies for social brandingThe portal will contain links to the outputs of the other WPs and tasks In particular the contents of the portal will include the link to the webinar developed in T62 about effective use of Structural Funds to promote cultural tourism presentation of the policy recommendations produced in WP4 links to data resources and analysis produced by WP3 and local training resources produced in the pilots of WP5 The deliverable will illustrate how the online material is organised in order to fulfil the training needs of multiple targets namely students researchers policy makers and more specifically local stakeholder including local administrations tourism operators and tourism specialists
D2.1 INCULTUM online presenceThis deliverable describes the INCULTUM website The first release of the portal will be online at month 2 including the public website and the restricted area for partners The website will be structured as a portal consisting of various sections dedicated to the communication of the projects actions It will be continuously maintained and updated through the project lifetime and improved integrating links to services and content produced by the other WPs including the training portal WP6 and the local pages of the pilots WP5 The deliverable will also include information about the dissemination package logo and visual identity document templates presentation templates a flyer a basic slide deck etc
Stakeholder mapThis deliverable presents the preliminary results of T71 The map will be a living document and will be updated during the entire life of the project The deliverable is the first complete draft map
First Policy brief on sustainable tourism concept, marginal areas and marginal heritage, methodologies and innovatives approaches to achieve positive social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts.
Report on participatory modelsReport on participatory models contains robust overview of participatory models comparison of participatory models in Europe and beyond the selection of participatory models suitable for cultural tourism and their implementation through pilot actions and good practice recommendation for integration of participatory models in cultural tourism
Intermediate findings presentationPresent findings from before the pilot phases for destinations where innovative approaches are introduced and for control destinations (the counterfactual).
Mid-term public reportThis deliverable is the public version of the midterm report on project activities and results This deliverable is in addition to the contractual reporting to the European Commission
Report on dissemination and communicationThis deliverable summarises the dissemination and communication activities and their main achievements, both at pilot level and at project’s level. It will be submitted yearly as an internal report, including a record of the activities undertaken in the reporting period and those planned for the next one. It describes the dis-semination activities undertaken, with links to their evidence (presentations, photos, demos, published arti-cles, posts, etc.). The last version of the report will be delivered to EC, providing a full overview of the work conducted during the whole project.
Findings analysis reportReport on the analysis of findings from the pilot, elaborating on the short- to medium-term effects of the pilot phase, and outcomes for the analysis of the findings.
Intermediate pilots reportAn intermediate brief report will be submitted by each pilot leader to the coordinator who will be responsi-ble for the creation of a single comprehensive report. The deliverable will be structured following a modu-lar approach, highlighting commonalities and differences among the various pilots and key aspects of each case. The report will include a first evaluation of the work done with a special focus on the methodologies applied in order to foster methods transfer among pilots and the sharing of best practices.
Final public reportThis deliverable is the public version of the final report on project activities and final results. This deliverable is in addition to the contractual reporting to the European Commission.
Report from the Brussels’ policy workshop and round tableReport from the policy workshop and the Brussels’ round table containing the main findings and outcomes regarding the major drivers and barriers that account for the success or failure of participatory models. Re-port concludes relevant policy recommendations or measures to be considered by preparing an evaluation framework for participatory models.
INCULTUM bookThe book will be published as Open Access and will be co-edited by UGR, SDU and PROMOTER. It will explore the context of change, the innovation potential and the role of cultural tourism in European social, cultural and economic development, with a specific address to policy makers, programme owners and CH managers. It will be presented at the final conference and then distributed to key stakeholders and made available online. The main format of the book will be PDF. To reduce carbon footprint, a reduced amount of copies (less than 50) will be printed, providing an open option for print-on-demand. The possibility for additional formats, like EPUB, will be evaluated.
Final pilots reportA final brief report will be submitted by each pilot leader to the coordinator who will be responsible for the creation of a single comprehensive report. The deliverable will be structured following a modular approach, highlighting commonalities and differences among the various pilots and key aspects of each case. The re-port will include a complete evaluation of the work done with a special focus on lessons learnt and the pro-duced impact against the expected impact and KPI.
Guidelines on the use of European Structural and Investment FundsThe deliverable will be provided in the form of a webinar, accessible through the project’s website under the education portal. The Guidelines will provide hints and instructions for the re-use of the experiences that have been gathered in the pilots, as well as other resources related to critical review of the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments.
Updated plan for the impact, evaluation and exploitation of resultsThis deliverable contains the crucial updated version of the Impact, evaluation and exploitation plan, elabo-rated on the basis of continuous tracking of the effectiveness of the activities and, crucially, the feed-back from the midterm evaluation.
Policy outputsThe report will include a policy brief and two think papers. The document will be focussed on participatory models and sustainable cultural tourism and on synergies among participatory models, innovative tools and policies. It will be supported by demonstrative cases (mainly WP5 cases) and connected with impact (WP7) and Structural Investment Funds policies.
This deliverable is the updated version of D3.1 that will include the final list of datasets produced, their sharing policies, formats used and preservation measures, where apply. Data collected in T3.2 will be made available as Open Data, along with an extensive catalogue of metadata describing the data collection process and each of the variables. SDU will provide the specification of the actual processes and the variables contained in the datasets.
This deliverable will document the results of task T6.3. The following aspects will be discussed when de-scribing the INCULTUM network: arousing interest in the project will be used to attract endorsement; estab-lishing relationships to leverage in the future; and most of all starting a multiplier effect, in order to endorse and to feed the effort into stakeholders’ consultation.
Desidério Batista
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L'esprit des lieux et l'organisation de l'espace en Méditerranée : rencontres de l'histoire, de l'archéologie, de l'architecture et du paysage., 2022
University of Manouba
Lacerda Neto, Filipe
Batista, Desidério
Reimao Costa, Miguel
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Antologia de Ensaios |LABORATÓRIO COLABORATIVO: Dinâmicas Urbanas, Património, Artes, 2023, Página(s) 448-462, ISBN 978-989-781-810-3
Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Correa Jiménez, Elena; Martín Civantos, José María; Román Punzón, Julio Miguel; Abellán Santisteban, José; Bonet García, María Teresa
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Arquitectura excavada y paisaje cultural. Conversaciones entre territorios., 2024, Página(s) 239-246, ISBN 978-84-1122-901-2
Editorial Dykinson
Marina Toger
John Östh
Sabine Gebert Persson
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Economic Themes, Edición VOLUME 61 (2023): ISSUE 1, 2023, ISSN 2217-3668
De Gruyter
Correa Jiménez, Elena; Abellán Santisteban, José; Román Punzón, Julio Miguel; Martín Civantos, José María
Publicado en:
Heritage and Sustainable Development, Edición Vol.6 no. 1 (2024), 2024, ISSN 2712-0554
Research and Development Academy
Ian Shuttleworth; Marina Toger; Umut Türk; John Östh
Publicado en:
Shuttleworth , I , Toger , M , Turk , U & Osth , J 2024 , ' Did liberal lockdown policies change spatial behaviour in Sweden? Mapping daily mobilities in Stockholm using mobile phone data during COVID-19 ' , Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy , vol. 17 , no. 1 , pp. 345-369 ., Edición 17, No.1, 2024, ISSN 1874-463X
Springer Verlag
Östh, John; Toger, Marina; Türk, Umut; Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter
Publicado en:
Östh , J , Toger , M , Türk , U , Kourtit , K & Nijkamp , P 2023 , ' Leisure mobility changes during the COVID-19 pandemic : An analysis of survey and mobile phone data in Sweden ' , Research in Transportation Business and Management , vol. 48 , 100952 ., Edición 48, 2023, ISSN 2210-5395
Elsevier BV
Toger, Marina
Türk, Umut
Östh, John
Kourtit, Karima
Nijkamp, Peter
Publicado en:
Journal of Transport Geography, Edición Volume 111, July 2023, 103638, 2023, ISSN 0966-6923
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Batista, Desidério
Manuela, Guerreiro
Sequeira, Bernardete
Marisa, Cesário
Dora, Agapito
Publicado en:
Revista PH, Edición 109, 2023, Página(s) 88-111, ISSN 2340-7565
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico
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