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Artificial intelliGence applied to pRecision farmIng By the use of GNSS and Integrated Technologies

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


AgriBIT business proposition

This is the final integrated report of AgriBIT, with selected sections detailing the value propositions across all stakeholders (farmers, service advisors and 3rd parties as solution providers). It details the mechanisms, the IPR rules, the role and accessibility both through the AgriBIT services platform and the AgriBIT community platform. An important point is that both platforms are fully open, and all APIs are made available. D7.2 feeds the final hands-on report issued under WP7.

State of the Art in GNSS Solutions for Agriculture

Report on the results from Task 31 including analysis of added value of GNSS in Agriculture and market analysis of available reusable technical solutions as well as definition of WP3 target KPIs and directions for applied RD

On site farming operations connectivity

This deliverable details the different support for onsite connectivity It will ensure that all the piloting needs are fully covered at M15

APIs for BDA services

Delivered from T5.3 will deploy the APIs for BDA services as part of the collaboration services.

Multi layered model for agricultural GNSS enabled services

A detailed definition and description of the overall Multilayered model of the AgriBIT system building upon the available use cases and user requirements and in compliance with defined system requirements

Final Report on AgriBIT Pilot Demonstrators

Delivered by T6.1, T6.2, T6.3 and T6.4 Final report on the AgriBIT piloting results.

Communication and Dissemination Plan & Materials (rev. 1)

Delivered by T75 this deliverable defines the communication and dissemination strategies to be followed and planned actions for the duration of the project with supporting packages including templates materials flyers etc used by all partners to carry the AgriBIT message First release at M6 and an updated one at M15 aligned to project evolution

AgriBIT handbook 

AgriBIT issues a single, centralised handbook with specific sections to ensure that all stakeholders are supported for future market uptake. This will be provided as a document and as an online resource, with the final format analysed during the project, specifically in collaboration between T7.5 and T7.1.

AgriBIT Open APIs and interfaces (rev. 1)

These deliverables provide the full support and information needed by 3rd parties to integrate and connect to the AgriBIT services This is part of the open and uptake strategy of AgriBIT The deliverables are used for the testing phases done in task 74

AgriBIT Open APIs and interfaces (rev. 2)

These deliverables provide the full support and information needed by 3rd parties to integrate and connect to the AgriBIT services. This is part of the open and uptake strategy of AgriBIT. The deliverables are used for the testing phases done in task 7.4.

GNSS enablers and GNSS enabled services - 2nd release

This is the second release of the AgriBIT services (available as software and supported by a report). They are updated following the first phase of piloting.

Communication and Dissemination Plan & Materials (rev. 2)

Delivered by T75 this deliverable defines the communication and dissemination strategies to be followed and planned actions for the duration of the project with supporting packages including templates materials flyers etc used by all partners to carry the AgriBIT message First release at M6 and an updated one at M15 aligned to project evolution

AgriBIT community platform (rev. 3)

Delivered by T5.1 and T5.3, three releases of the platform are foreseen. The first one at M6 is focused on deploying the pre-existing community mechanism to support farmers and service advisors during the requirements gathering phase. The M25 release (issued by T5.3) is used to support 3rd parties during the integration of AgriBIT services in their own solutions, through the work carried out in T7.4. The final release encompasses the complete support for uptake of AgriBIT services by third parties, including training,

AgriBIT community platform (rev. 2)

Delivered by T5.1 and T5.3, three releases of the platform are foreseen. The first one at M6 is focused on deploying the pre-existing community mechanism to support farmers and service advisors during the requirements gathering phase. The M25 release (issued by T5.3) is used to support 3rd parties during the integration of AgriBIT services in their own solutions, through the work carried out in T7.4. The final release encompasses the complete support for uptake of AgriBIT services by third parties, including training,

AgriBIT community platform (rev. 1)

Delivered by T5.1 and T5.3, three releases of the platform are foreseen. The first one at M6 is focused on deploying the pre-existing community mechanism to support farmers and service advisors during the requirements gathering phase. The M25 release (issued by T5.3) is used to support 3rd parties during the integration of AgriBIT services in their own solutions, through the work carried out in T7.4. The final release encompasses the complete support for uptake of AgriBIT services by third parties, including training,

GNSS Customization Options

A report on work in Task 3.3 accompanied by prototype customization options corresponding not only to pilots in the project, but also to common application scenarios in modern Agriculture. It will also serve as a technical baseline for deriving a results-based exploitation strategy for rapid commercialization of project results in WP7.

Visual identity, promotional pack & Website

Delivered by T75 This deliverable is the full project website logo and initial public image assets It will include a short report with description of the main features and guidelines for management and update throughout the project

AgriBIT data services

This deliverable defines the ML&DL algorithm services delivered from the platform.


Use of High-Precision GNSS Receivers inPrecision Farming Applications

Auteurs: Artur Krukowski, Izzet Kale, Emmanouela Vogiatzaki
Publié dans: IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things (WFIoT), Numéro 9th, yearly, 2023
Éditeur: World Forum on IoT
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10040052

Artificial intelligence applied to precision farming by using GNSS and Integrated Technologies

Auteurs: Giuseppe Vella, Piero Scrima and Artur Krukowski
Publié dans: Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, 2022
Éditeur: FGM Events LLC

Droits de propriété intellectuelle

ORDINARY Device trade mark(s) in class(es) 9

Numéro de demande/publication: FIIE 202300000321410
Date: 2023-12-20

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