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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities

Descrizione del progetto

Un monitoraggio intelligente per rendere le città costiere resilienti ai cambiamenti climatici

I cambiamenti climatici pongono enormi rischi per le città costiere e l’innalzamento del livello del mare, le inondazioni e le tempeste sono fenomeni che non possono più essere ignorati. L’intensificazione degli eventi meteorologici estremi, l’erosione costiera e l’aumento dei livelli marini rappresentano sfide di primaria importanza, che devono essere affrontate urgentemente dalle città costiere europee. Il progetto SCORE, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà una strategia attraverso una rete di 10 città costiere che fungeranno da «laboratori viventi» per migliorare in modo rapido, equo e sostenibile la resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici di queste città. Oltre a sviluppare piattaforme innovative per promuovere opportunità commerciali e la sostenibilità finanziaria delle città costiere, il progetto realizzerà sistemi prototipo di allerta precoce per queste città allo scopo di consentire un monitoraggio e un controllo immediato e intelligente della resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici delle città costiere europee.


The intensification of extreme weather events, coastal erosion and sea-level rise are major challenges to be urgently addressed by European coastal cities. The science behind these disruptive phenomena is complex, and advancing climate resilience requires progress in data acquisition, forecasting, and understanding of the potential risks and impacts for real-scenario interventions. The Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) supported by smart technologies has potential to increase climate resilience of European coastal cities; however, it is not yet adequately understood and coordinated at European level. SCORE outlines a co-creation strategy, developed via a network of 10 coastal city ‘living labs’ (CCLLs), to rapidly, equitably and sustainably enhance coastal city climate resilience through EBAs and sophisticated digital technologies. SCORE will establish an integrated coastal zone management framework for strengthening EBA and smart coastal city policies, creating European leadership in coastal city climate change adaptation in line with The Paris Agreement. The Coastal City Living Lab (CCLL) is a new concept that expands the Living Lab approach to coastal cities and settlements. CCLLs will be set up to address specific climate challenges, and their effectiveness will be assessed by different stakeholders through innovative monitoring systems and cutting-edge modelling approaches. SCORE will develop CCLLs in a network of 10 cities which learn from each other in different frontrunner and follower roles. SCORE will involve citizen science in providing prototype coastal city early-warning systems and will enable smart, instant monitoring and control of climate resilience in European coastal cities through open, accessible spatial ‘digital twin’ tools. SCORE will provide innovative platforms to empower stakeholders’ deployment of EBAs to increase climate resilience, business opportunities and financial sustainability of coastal cities.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 190 625,00
F92 FC93 Letterkenny

Mostra sulla mappa

Ireland Northern and Western Border
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 190 625,00

Partecipanti (29)