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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Innovative approaches towards prevention, removal and reuse of marine plastic litter

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - In-No-Plastic (Innovative approaches towards prevention, removal and reuse of marine plastic litter)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-10-01 bis 2022-03-31

Society is confronted with plastic pollution. This impacts the marine environment and marine species. As plastics accumulate in the food chain they ultimately impact mankind. There are only a few macro-plastic removal solutions for the marine environment and none focussing on nano- and micro-plastics.
The goal is to develop and demonstrate nano-, micro, and macro-plastic clean-up technologies in the aquatic ecosystems.
The approach taken is a combination of social and technical removal strategies targeting the industrial hotspots through cooling water systems, harbours, shores and shallow waters. The technical approach comprises of developing multiple removal technologies at varying testing sites in Europe and in the Caribbean. The approach entails a comprehensive monitoring system to gather data at 6 month frequencies over a 2 year period. This is done to understand the effectiveness of the solutions both in terms of cutting down plastic presence in the environment and its effects on the marine and local ecosystem. The technical approach will be a blueprint in establishing a coherent and synchronized system of cleaning, that is scalable and replicable.
The social strategy comprises of an incentive-based initiative that relies on a remote application. The focus is to get the local population involved by incentivising plastic pick-up in return for monetary gains or other rewards. With the plastic gathered at the demo sites, its reusability will be investigated in different recycling approaches. This would allow to close the loop and achieve circularity.
The results achieved in the first reporting period is summarized as follows:
Work Package (WP) 1 Development and upscale plastic removal technologies
- Seperaptor uses ultrasound to agglomerate particles to larger ones allowing their removal. Several prototypes have been designed, built and tested.
- Early in the project a partner helped fund the build of a flexible manufacturing line for mass production.
- For flocculents five activities were running sequential / parallel: 1) development of standard nano-micro plastic solution; 2) defining experimental matrix, the method and its implementation; 3) Chitosan Flocculation; 4) New flocculant synthesis; 5) Joint solution activities and discussions on sampling/analyses. A promising approach has been identified on lab scale. A new online turbidity meter was identified to aid in assessments.
- Joint solution development with the Archimedean Drum Screen. The concept was discussed with the relevant technology partners. Also, the industrial sites were visited and the captured macro-plastics were observed. An axial pump can be installed in the solution if necessary.
- Development of the automatic beach clean-up with the Seeker robot has progressed through: 1) research and analysis of existing patents, arm and gripper; 2) design and production (friendly looking robot); 3) development of software (sensors, cameras, localization); 4) gathering of data i.e. 7000 pictures were gathered for the neural network.
- Empower App software tools were developed: 1) Tracking of plastic Waste; 2) a depositing App.
WP2 Industrial Hotspot Clean-up and Monitoring:
- Meetings with the technology developers and site visits were held. Action plans were developed to allow preparation and align expectations.
- Flocculent use investigations revealed that 2 of the 3 industrial sites had strict restrictions on its use.
- The size of the joint solution is too large for the test facility and thus an industrial test site was selected.
- For the industrial sites water sampling was conducted. From project start it was not clear if there are micro-plastics, results show there are.
WP3 Natural Environment Clean-up and Monitoring:
- A clean-up procedure is developed and tested. Agreements between clean-up partners were made with respect to monitoring, procedures and methodologies to use.
- COVID impacted the project execution. It did reveal that the lack of tourists had a strong positive impact on the environment in Venice.
- Several clean-ups were conducted in Sint Maarten, Croatia, United Kingdom and Italy. Some clean-ups >100 people participated. The App from this project and a sister project Maelstrom were tested. Joint events were organized with Maelstrom.
- A river site in the UK has been identified as natural test site for the joint solution. Permit preparations are time consuming.
- Several sites in the different countries were monitored.
- The creation of a clean-up-economy through social rewarding was investigated and developed further together with WP4 in Croatia.
WP4 Circularity reuse of plastics
- Sampling, pre-treatment and characterization of 17 water samples from both industrial and natural sites were conducted. Also, characterization of macro-plastics was conducted.
- Industrial site visits determined that the material collected was not suitable for recycling.
- Plastic from the Croatia clean-ups were successfully converted to pellets suitable for 3D printing.
- A tracking App was developed together with a product passport so as users can determine the origin of the plastic.
- Mechanical recycling routes: scale-up steps and promising Sideground information for a mechanochemistry solution, 3D printed furniture using PP/PE and 3D printed baskets.
- Chemical recycling routes: lab scale gasification and at industrial scale in a steel mill. The lab scale utilized material collected from the Croatian clean-ups.
WP5 KPI’s, Modelling, Sampling and Assessments (LCA, TEA, SEA)
- A living deliverable defining the key performance indicators and end system requirements has been made and updated based on project results.
- Due to lack of nano- and micro-plastic characterization and water sampling techniques, a new method for water sampling has been defined and tested. An online turbidity monitor has been identified and used.
- Assessments on the plastics and chemical recycling routes have been conducted using lab experiments. An initial LCA inventory scope has been identified for gasification.
- A financial tool has been made in Excel using VBA and macros. This tool provides among others cash flow and a tornado diagram.
- An assessment on the alternatives has been made which includes a comprehensive overview.
- For the social assessment a survey was distributed and an addendum was later added to improve the results. Survey included general info, litter pollution/management.
- An incentives investigation lead to a promising route in Croatia with 3D printed products.
WP6 Joint Activities, Dissemination and Exploitation
- A communication and dissemination plan has been made and an excel tool to register and monitor dissemination events.
- in time of COVID social media was used: 139 posts on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; animated video; 7 news articles of which 2 peer-reviewed; 18 non-scientific articles aided in dissemination;2 surveys; >7000 website hits.
- Covid limited participation in events, fortunately an international conference in Venice with Maelstrom and a Croatian InNoPlastic week.
- Other events like 27 clean-ups ensured for additional in-person outreach.
Solutions have not been developed or sufficiently field tested yet. It is anticipated that 7 prototypes will be developed.
The survey for the social assessment includes the acceptance level of the solutions proposed in respect of going beyond state of the art.
Water sampling - some locations
Water sampling analysis - some findings