During RP1 & 2, project partners created a strain collection (<1000 micro/macro algae/cyanobacteria), and 150 strains were selected for the Algae4IBD research pipeline "ALGAE4IBD BANK". In RP1, biomass production was established for 91 strains of known and unstudied strains ; an extraction protocol was established for 33 strains to be tested. In RP2, biomass production was done for two strains of Group A & 57 of Group B, biomass extraction of eight strains of Group A & 110 of Group B, continuous photobioreactor was successfully operated, promising biomasses were extracted at a larger scale (kg), and cascading extractions were performed at VITO by SFE and re-extraction of remaining pellets with other solvents. Extracts were tested for anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, COX-1/2 inhibition, & prebiotic & antimicrobial properties. Additionally, compound composition identification was done. The literature survey for the information related to IBD, selecting the target probiotic microbes, and pathogenic food-borne microorganisms to develop ways to tackle IBD was published as a review. Extracts were evaluated for prebiotic activity using in vitro probiotic bacterial strains & for their antimicrobial activity by known pathogenic microorganisms. Algae4IBD has identified positive hits to be further explored and a priority list for testing positive hits in animal models was created. 189 extracts were tested for the capability to modulate ion channel activity as a readout of cellular excitability patterns. As a result of the cell-based platforms for pain-related activity & toxicity, 11 candidates were identified to continue in ex vivo mode. Eight extracts were used for PK in mice, and the results showed stability for all. Partners worked on the improvement of microalgae strains that grow well on solid agar medium and in heterotrophic conditions. This resulted in mutants with enhanced relevant compounds. Other strains have been improved by manipulation of cultivation conditions that led to high production of targeted compounds. Work on reserving the upscaled macroalgae for the food product development was done. Chosen extracts were evaluated for techno-functional properties with the food products Algae4IBD aims for. Two products were developed to test the incorporation of the extracts into the products while preserving the activity. Microencapsulation was done to develop the best protocol to address the extracts. Substantial progress has been made to formulate accurate business strategies for Algae4IBD commercial results. 12 Key Exploitable Results KERs have been identified & characterized, including planned exploitation pathways; their IP ownership was cleared with the best protection options. The writing of a provisional patent was initiated for the main joint KER. Business models were fine tuned for the two major applications of the project in functional food and pharma. Cost and environmental calculations were performed, with initial results. Communications reached & surpassed certain final goals and KPIs (LinkedIn followers). A communication and dissemination strategy were developed and built a visual identity (logo & templates). A website and social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, & Instagram) were created, communication training was organized, a brochure & other material were designed, and published articles & social media channel content. A cluster with other Horizon 2020 projects with similar thematics was created (AIMS) and continued through joint meetings, joint articles, and social media promotion. The website received 7K visits; regular posts on social media channels led to 3K new followers. 7 interviews were published, reaching more than 12K people; 5 scientific papers published received almost 9K views and were cited 36 times. Summer school was planned with MIGAL & CCMAR, which took place during RP3.