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Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-06-01 do 2022-11-30

Problem to be solved: Millions of patients worldwide suffer from IBD, with a continued increase in incidence. In fact, new data demonstrate that IBD is far more common than expected; the prevalence of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn disease (CD) increased by 55% and 83%, in 2000 and 2017, respectively. The study also showed that IBD prevalence is predicted to rise by almost a quarter from 2017 to 2025. This predicted rise in prevalence may place an even greater strain on already overburdened healthcare systems.
For society it is important to have a solution as at present, there is no known cure for IBD. IBD patients respond poorly to existing treatments that are often complex and costly, indicating a need for other biological options to improve the IBD symptoms such as pain.
As there is currently no known cure for IBD, patients will often need complex and costly treatments throughout their lives.
Therefore, Algae4IBD project offers a new approach using the algae as a novel aquatic natural source to provide solutions for IBD patients and prevent its incidents among the general population. Algae4IBD's mission is to discover algae-based small molecule through innovative use of algae from different origins. The overall objectives are: i) increased use of algae-based ingredients through the science-linked improvement of the algae’s nutritional quality, and ii) proving the positive effects of some of its derivatives on human health employing advanced technologies and by conducting in-vitro and pre-clinical studies.
During RP1, Algae4IBD partners created the strain collection of more than 1000 algae strains (micro and macro algae and cyanobacteria) also published in D1.1 on the website. 150 algae strains were selected to be entered in the Algae4IBD pipeline as " ALGAE4IBD BANK".
During the first 18 months of the projects - biomass production was established for 91 strains of known strains and unstudied strains - the biomass extraction protocol was established and for total of 33 strains to be tested for the bioactivities assays in WP2 and WP3.
The extracts were tested in WP2 and WP3 for their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants, COX-1/COX-2 inhibition, and pre-biotic and antimicrobial properties. Diverse assays were used in WP2 and WP3 to cover these aspects. WP2 bio activity assessments included: cell-based HTP screen assays with reporter assays at CZ-UMG, and validation of most important results using ELISA assays in MIGAL and CCMAR with cell- based assays, characterized by in-vitro ABTS and ORAC antioxidant assays and DPPH assay (CCMAR, UNINA). Copper chelation activity was measured and Iron chelation was processed (CCMAR). In vitro assay for COX inhibition was done as well (Teagasc).
WP3 included: The literature survey was the main deliverable for WP3 during this reporting period that starts from M3. The information gathered was related to IBD, focusing on the implicated microorganisms and selecting the target probiotic microbes and pathogenic food-borne microorganisms, to develop ways to tackle the disease (this was published as a review). The extracts were evaluated for pre-biotic activity by using in vitro pro-biotic bacterial strains (Teagasc, Algaia) and for their antimicrobial activity using known pathogenic microorganisms (Teagasc, SUA)
Algae4IBD has identified positive hits from the extract that were texted to be further explored.
Preliminary identification of the compounds compositions has been done in WP2

For the first 18 months, we have worked towards the objectives of WP8 on communication and dissemination. We reached and even already surpassed certain final goals and KPIs such as the number of followers on LinkedIn. We have developed a communication and dissemination strategy lied out in the C&D Master Plan (D8.1) and developed a visual identity with logo and templates. A website and social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram) were created. We organised a communication training for partners, designed a brochure and other offline materials, and continuously published articles, and content on our social media channels. We created a cluster with other Horizon 2020 projects with similar thematic and started organising our summer school. We continuously monitor our efforts to align the project’s needs and strategies better. And finally, we published 3 video interviews and the project video reaching over 4000 views.
The Algae4IBD project is clearly taking its first steps towards the achievement of the different proposed impacts of this Project.
The Project Consortium team members have all contributed to create a synergy between their knowledge and expertise from algae-culture, biotechnology and industrial engineering to perform vast biological assessment research, embracing in vitro to pre-clinical approaches. Our findings are exciting and promising (WP2 and WP3) and through further investigations we expect to be able to strengthen the evidences on the therapeutic potential of algae anti inflammatory phytochemicals and prove that the compounds have profound anti-IBD activity. By using the multi-disciplinary lab to market pipeline, we aim to provide a novel alga derived eco-friendly, cost-effective product that can profoundly change the lives of millions of patients suffering from IBD.
We have successfully implemented into the project the environmentally relevant ‘green’ concepts and technologies to develop new functional food, pharma and nutraceuticals products which benefit human health. Several green extraction methods have already been used to achieve green abilities using supercritical CO2 and cascade approach. Algea4IBD unique strain bank containing both culture collection, including extremophile strains, most of them still understudied as well as commercially available strains with some indication of promising health benefits already exist have enabled us to exploit an enormous untapped valuable source for novel bio compounds.

After establishing our BIOBANK based on our consortium members knowledge and activity, we will keep on defining the various bio activities including anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and probiotic and prebiotic symbiotic; aiming to bring to light new research fields and different molecules for relevant industries (e.g. for cosmetics industry) besides the food and pharma.

Moreover a collaboration between the four projects under FNR-11-Call (AIMS) was eatsblished and started to share disimmination activities to increase steakholders knowledge.