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Fork-to-farm agent-based simulation tool augmenting BIOdiversity in the agri-food VALUE chain

Descripción del proyecto

Una novedosa herramienta de análisis de la biodiversidad pone en primer plano los productos agroalimentarios infrautilizados

El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos BIOVALUE empleará un planteamiento ascendente para desarrollar BIOVALUE, una herramienta dinámica y personalizable para analizar la biodiversidad de la cadena de valor agroalimentaria. Los investigadores la utilizarán para introducir, modelizar, evaluar, sembrar, producir y propagar cultivos infrautilizados genéticamente seleccionados y desarrollar productos culinarios comercializables y certificados. Al responder a la demanda de los consumidores de mejorar la agrobiodiversidad en los agroecosistemas, BIOVALUE garantizará el futuro rendimiento de los cultivos en el mercado y la viabilidad de su cultivación. Además, se utilizará un marco modelizado, sencillo y listo para usar a fin de generar un conjunto de indicadores clave del rendimiento para medir la calidad y el impacto de las políticas, la evolución del medio ambiente y el cumplimiento de la normativa; el objetivo es introducir en la cadena de valor cultivos infrautilizados y genéticamente diversos, lo que aumentará la biodiversidad.


The approach of BIOVALUE project is to set-up a holistic perspective, under the “multi-actor” approach, to analyse the link between biodiversity, the agro-food value chain agents, the environment, consumer food preferences and health. By employing a bottom-up vertical approach to develop the BIOVALUE TOOL, a dynamic and customizable agri-food value chain vis-a-vis biodiversity analysis tool, the proposal tries to introduce, model, evaluate, breed, produce and spread specifically selected genetically diverse underutilized crops (cereals, legumes, leafy and fruity vegetables) and develop final marketable, certified and labelled culinary products incorporating them (dish recipes and processed foodstuff), that enhance agro-biodiversity to the applied agro-ecosystems and appeal to the consumers, securing their future market performance and concurrently, their cultivation viability. Moreover, in a modelled user-friendly ready-to-work framework, the project will produce a set of key performance indicators destined to measure policy quality and impact, environmental evolution and compliance with regulations of introducing underutilized, genetically diverse crops to the value chain and are by design expandable to further enhance biodiversity in the value chain. Ultimately, this expanding nature, is highlighted by the complimentary effects of BIOVALUE processed and unprocessed final food products and dishes such as low energy consumption, environmental cultivation resiliency to marginal landscapes and future climate, as well as nutritional and health benefits. Incorporating the market power in the whole approach, the proposal can lead towards self-supported sustainability of biodiversity in the future.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 995 000,00

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 995 000,00

Participantes (16)