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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Support to Precursor SSA Services

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The EU keeps an eye on the sky

Satellites and space debris in space must be closely monitored to maintain security and ensure seamless communication technology.

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Space around the Earth is much busier than it seems. There are satellites roaming the skies, hovering space debris, strange weather phenomena and high-tech communication airwaves all creating a congested space environment. The importance of space for communications, geospatial navigation, defence and environment has prompted the EU to enhance its space situation awareness (SSA). One of the ways it has done so is through the EU-funded project 'Support to precursor SSA services' (SPA). The project developed European SSA capabilities to better manage and exploit space assets in line with the European Space Policy, strengthening both security and the economy. It mapped knowledge on the topic to produce recommendations for advancing SSA, particularly as related to policy and governance issues. SPA also established a forum on the topic and emphasised key issues to stakeholders through workshops and presentations. It conducted numerous modelling scenarios and exercises involving orbit determination, in addition to analysing data from key SSA surveillance and tracking sensors. Much of the project's work has helped advance the European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) by providing over-flight information on satellites to better plan image acquisition. Indeed, the main goals of the project have been to facilitate space surveillance as well as the tracking of man-made and near-Earth objects such as comets. SPA was also designed to enhance environmental monitoring, in addition to monitoring and forecasting space weather, which yields valuable information for space missions. Balancing sensitive information that is both civil and military in nature, the project produced concrete findings on SSA requirements to support security and advance policymaking. It also studied the economic and strategic importance of space, as well as the legislative framework of SSA in Europe. All these findings, outcomes and recommendations will help enhance national security and sovereignty, supporting SSA activities, and helping to introduce new services that promote the well-being of EU citizens. The project has underlined the importance of having 'security in space from space', safeguarding space assets and satellite-based services while ensuring the sustainability of space. This initiative will undoubtedly help secure the future of SSA in Europe.

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