Power lines help to secure remote summer homes
The ability to transfer data over power lines has opened up a number of new opportunities in the information technology sector. WIRENET, an RTD project supported by the GROWTH Programme, was dedicated to developing novel products and services based on this technology. Ardoran OU Ltd, a WIRENET participant from Estonia, investigated the potential for Building management systems (BMS). Installations of BMS entail both hardware and software components that control lighting, climate, security and other building functions. By enabling data transfer over existing power cables, the need to retrofit older buildings was eliminated. Contacts established during the WIRENET dissemination activities led to the identification of a significant market in summer vacation homes. This was especially evident for Estonia's close neighbour - the Russian Federation - where the so-called datchas are very common in the countryside. The idea was to apply the technology developed during WIRENET to provide security services to groups of older summer homes. Ardoran OU Ltd and its WIRENET partners are following up on this and other promising leads.