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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Burden of disease in old people

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Investigating the burden of disease in the elderly

An interdisciplinary report was created which covered conclusions and recommendations regarding the burden of disease in the elderly population.

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The elderly population is often faced with the burden of disease, particularly in regards to disability. In an effort to heighten awareness and provide recommendations, the BURDIS project has utilised data resources and investigated existing gaps in the disabling process as people age. Involved in this are perspectives which range from a variety of disciplines and thus cover a range of angles such as physiological changes, hereditary versus environmental factors and gender differences. Through reputable cross-sectional studies and updated methodology, a report was conducted which synthesised the collected information regarding disability of individuals in their later years. The report provides conclusions across various sectors of old age disability as well as recommendations for research, practical work and policy making. The report was planned for dissemination in various EU countries and was also made available in electronic form. In addition to the elderly population, governmental and voluntary health organisations as well as policy-makers may find this report useful.

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