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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Abrupt climate changes recorded over the european land mass : multi-proxy records of late-holocene climate variability in europe.

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ACCROTELM project message reaches its audience

Past climate change has had momentous effects on human societies. Important findings of the ACCCROTELM project may help in preparing adaptation strategies for future climate change. Communicating these strategies to a broader audience is an important step toward this goal.

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The ACCROTELM project focused on abrupt climate change, encompassing the careful research of 10 partners from institutions across Europe. Scientists used new data to make an assessment on climate variability across Europe over the past sixthousand years and the findings are to be used to inform EU policy. In order to achieve their goal of information dissemination, parts of the project's resources went towards developing an effective communication strategy. This has produced some interesting results. A publicly accessible website has been designed. It details the aims, methods and the protocols developed throughout the project. It provides public access on the project partners and gives a cumulative list of publications associated with the results. Eight posters were produced for the 2006 HOLIVAR international science meeting. These drew attention to the aims of the project and promoted the project website. One of the posters won a HOLIVAR prize. This poster can be downloaded at In order to expose interested parties to the project, it is planned that the major findings be circulated via targeted press releases. These will be placed on the European science website AlphaGalileo. It is also in the plans of the organisers to archive datasets from the project on the Pangaea database, so that they can be accessed for future scientific studies. In addition to all this, a film about the project has been a made and reproduced on DVD. It sets the work and results amid the context of the current concern over recent and future climate changes.

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