ACCROTELM has targeted three focus periods for more detailed analysis of mire sites. These are the periods 4500 to 4000 cal. BP, 3000 to 2500 cal. BP and 1200 to 200 cal. BP. The first of these is only present wholly at three of the ACCROTELM mire sites. So far, the first mire sites to have a published overview of the proxy-climate records are those from Estonia and Newfoundland (the latter by collaboration with a third party). The targeting of the focus periods involves use of detailed pollen and non-pollen microfossil analysis at some of the mire sites. For example, the analysis of microfossils and macroremains of the ACCROTELM cores from Denmark and England has resulted in a series of papers (published in international refereed journals, submitted or in preparation) on a number of interrelated topics including: high precision chronology and radiocarbon dating (1, 2); palaeohydrology and climate change (3, 4, 5, 10); vegetation history and human impact (6, 7, 8); fungal hyperparasitism and climatic conditions (9). These numbers relate to the papers listed below, as this is a more complete list than can be included in the Documentation field.
1. Yeloff, D. E., Bennett, K. D., Blaauw, M., Mauquoy, D., Sillasoo, U., van der Plicht, J. & van Geel, B. 2006. High precision 14C dating of Holocene peat deposits: a comparison of Bayesian calibration and wiggle-matching approaches. Quaternary Geochronology 1: 222-235.
2. Yeloff, D. E., van der Linden, M., Chambers, F., Toms, P., van Geel, B. and van der Plicht, J., submitted. Dating recent peat accumulation in European ombrotrophic bogs.
3. Yeloff, D. E., Charman, D., van Geel, B. and Mauquoy, D., submitted. Reconstruction of hydrology, vegetation and past climate change on ombrotrophic bogs using fungal microfossils.
4. McClymont. E.L., Mauquoy, D., Yeloff. D. E., Broekens, P., van Geel, B., Pancost, R.D. and Evershed, R.P., submitted. Increased bog wetness, changing nutrient supplies, and the disappearance of Sphagnum imbricatum from Butterburn Flow, U.K.
5. Mauquoy, D., Yeloff, D. E., van Geel, B., Charman, D., and Blundell, A., in prep. Precisely dated mire surface wetness reconstructions using a c. 5250 year peat sequence from Northern England and an exceptional high resolution record from Denmark deposited since c. AD 690.
6. Yeloff, D. E., Broekens, P., Innes, J. and van Geel, B., submitted. Late Holocene vegetation and land-use history in Denmark: the record from Lille Vildmose, northeast Jutland.
7. Yeloff, D. E. and van Geel, B., in press. Abandonment of farmland and vegetation succession following the Eurasian plague pandemic of AD 1347-1352. Journal of Biogeography.
8. Yeloff, D. E., van Geel, B., Broekens, P., Bakker, J. and Mauquoy, D., in press. Mid late Holocene vegetation and land-use history in the Hadrian s Wall region of northern England: the record from Butterburn Flow. The Holocene.
9. van Geel, B., Aptroot, A. and Mauquoy, D., 2006. Sub-fossil evidence for fungal hyperparasitism (Isthmospora spinosa on Meliola ellisii, on Calluna vulgaris) in a Holocene intermediate ombrotrophic bog in northern-England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 141: 121-126.
10. Yeloff, D. E., Mauquoy, D. 2006. The influence of vegetation composition on peat humification: implications for palaeoclimatic studies. Boreas, 35, 662-673.