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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27


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Quantum studies produce potential solutions

In this modern era in which information is wealth, communication systems are more than key - they are vital. In the realm of improving communication systems, quantum theory and research has taken on such significance, it could be considered the leading research area.

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An EC funded project RESQ set out to accomplish more than just ground-breaking research, they aimed to provide the entire arena of quantum mechanics as an invaluable resource. The purpose of their publications, aside from disseminating information and assisting further advancements in the field of quantum studies, was to establish and contribute towards much needed resources for quantum researchers. Of particular interest was their investment in multidisciplinary networks (physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and statisticians) in order to understand how quantum information could be manipulated in small-scale systems. In this regard, further development sought to design improved techniques both to investigate the estimation of quantum states and quantum dynamics. According to quantum theory, there exists a state called "quantum entanglement", meaning that combined systems can in fact have additional properties. As such, further studies to characterise quantum entanglement as well as to identify the resources needed to conduct quantum information processing were undertaken. The project also highlighted other key findings such as those related to making advances in quantum cryptology including key distribution, coin tossing and string commitment. Additionally, other new results were obtained for classical problems, such as how quantum communication can reduce communication complexities. Other solutions were also found during the project's duration, namely finding new quantum algorithms for some cases of the hidden subgroup problem. Research and development from this project produced viable and ready to patent concepts and protocols.

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