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Content archived on 2024-05-23

Facilitating negociations over land and water conflicts in Latin American periurban upstream catchments : combining agent-based modelling with role game playing

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Learning through play helps in conflict resolution

The International and Water Sanitation Centre has designed a computerised training session to teach negotiation skills over land and water conflicts.

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Land and water conflict can be a highly charged topic, particularly in Latin America. These scarce resources such as access to safe water become more contentious in urban areas, where competition is greatest. The aim of the NEGOWAT project is to facilitate the negotiation process that takes place over land and water in this region, This has been achieved by providing training through modelling negotiation situations and role playing. The International Water and Sanitation Centre based in Delft, has tested and produced a series of training materials including a power point presentation, supporting documents and academic papers. A course has been designed to be taught at the University of San Simon to teach this methodology, with formal recognition as part of the degree programme. A computerised tool which has been designed by the research team will also be incorporated into the training. The benefits of this training to stakeholders are that this tool provides them with an understanding about the different interests, constraints and value systems of other interested parties. This in turn produces more cooperative results as participants learn diplomacy skills and are able to tackle problems more objectively. Furthermore, it opens up new discussion parameters as it facilitates an understanding of the complex dynamics involved in negotiation. In Brazil, this tool has already been tested in different local government training courses.

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