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Content archived on 2024-05-23

Advanced techniques for high temperature system-on-chip

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High temperature but low cost stress test

In a number of industrial processes, many components and appliances need to operate at elevated temperatures. A stress test has been developed that will be used extensively by companies that maintain electronic systems at high temperatures.

In the automotive as well as the oil exploration and the aerospace industry, electrical circuits and electrical equipment are very often exposed to high temperature environments. Operating at these high temperatures requires novel materials and well controlled processes. The ATHIS project has demonstrated elaborate and advanced techniques that are required for manufacturing distributed electronic systems with high reliability in high-temperature environments. Working temperatures often exceed 200°C and system failure may easily occur. This is especially critical for safety systems that must operate constantly and reliably. The ATHIS fabrication techniques ensure fully functional system operation. The low cost and high temperature stress test is a successful example of the fruitful approach followed by the ATHIS project partners. It is an intelligent "burn in" system, capable of continuously simulating devices with functional test patterns. The devices are subjected to high temperature stresses over prolonged periods of time. Their response is continuously monitored. The test system includes an analog and digital waveform editor, capable of designing the test patterns and both functions can then be tested. Current ratio measurements can also be performed. Furthermore the system is capable of memory tests, scan testing and analysis of high temperature test runs. The stress test can easily be applied. It is flexible and performs reliability tests and detailed failure mode analysis. The analysis, a comprehensive description of material at the point of failure, guarantees that safety regulations and standards will be strictly adhered to. High temperatures can be harsh on electronics. Companies that manufacture or use devices will greatly benefit from the innovative low cost stress test.