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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Tools for wetland ecosystem resource management in eastern africa

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Managing wetlands with ECOTOOLS

An impressive collection of modelling tools created by European and African experts enables the accurate simulation of the myriad of complex processes occurring in wetland ecosystems.

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Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, was the subject of intense research during the ECOTOOLS project. One of the objectives was to derive a comprehensive set of modelling tools to facilitate decision making aimed at sustainable development of the wetland areas surrounding the lake. CSGI at the University of Siena in Italy coordinated a team of universities, research institutes and governmental ministries during ECOTOOLS. Environmental and socio-economic data was collected and analysed. Subsequently a set of complementary modelling tools was developed based on a common framework. The elements addressed by the models include the following: effects of retention of phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients, subsequent changes in phytoplankton populations, cause-effect relationships between wetland use and the wetland ecosystems and, finally, a full account of the economic implications with an emphasis on fisheries management. During ECOTOOLS, the models were successfully tested on the case of Lake Victoria. They can now be extended to other wetland ecosystems. The models as well as full documentation have been made available on the Internet.

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