Development of the Generics Class Library (GCL)
The goal of the ODETTE project was to help improve the competitiveness of the European communication and information processing industry. This was achieved through the project reducing the design time and cost of embedded Hardware/Software systems and through the development of supporting tools. This was as a result of the consistent way in which object oriented design methodologies were applied to the entire design and test. ODETTE developed the Generics Class Library (GLC) which included basic elements such as storage elements, computation structures and interfacing elements. The library has been made available to the wider public via the ODETTE website. In order for the library to be used in the most efficient way, the OFFIS synthesis tool should be employed, generating the related SystemC version of the models. Parameters were drawn up to enable the reuse of modules with different characteristics. Library elements were modelled making use of this particular aspect. Finally, the methodology was subject to an industrial evaluation.