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Content archived on 2024-05-27

Mobile Calculi Based on Domains

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Advanced programming for distributed and mobile systems

The MIKADO project developed new formal models for the specification and programming of large-scale, highly distributed and mobile systems.

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Challenged by the global computing initiative, the MIKADO project focused on exceeding current limitations of common middleware and programming technologies. Such limitations include restricted interactions and view of components and objects as well as difficulties in proper and uniform support of mobility, predictability, security, and fault-tolerance. Another important aspect is system responsiveness to investigation for verification, validation and test purposes in the most accurate way. Motivated by this, the project specified and developed prototypes of innovative models for specification and programming of highly distributed and mobile systems. The ultimate objective was to employ the new tools and techniques in order to improve the trustworthiness and safety of systems for solving dependability and security issues. A set of rigorous models and analysis techniques as well as software infrastructure and virtual machines were generated. One of the new programming models, the ULM enables the user to move from functional programming resulting from mathematical functions to reactive programming, distribution and mobility. Embedded in the Scheme multi-paradigm programming language that supports functional programming it includes a compiler and a virtual machine for its implementation. For further information, click at:

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