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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Creative Use of Style & Technology for Ordering the Design and Interactive Elaboration of the Vision

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Understanding the craft of 2D animation

A book has been written which explores the understanding of 2D animation in the form of 2++ D animation and its future.

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Animation technology is often developed without the artist's needs in mind. An EC-funded project, CUSTODIEV has created artist projects and artists shaping technology through a process known as creative pull. The focus was on new methods of designing animation, narrative drawing and performance-driven art. As an outcome of this effort, a book was written entitled The Art and Science of Drawn Animation. It covers 2D animation in the form of 2++ D animation with examples taken from the many productions strands within the project. A highlight of the book is the connection between the artwork, the styles, and the story theme, as well as the relationship among them. In essence, the book is not about methodologies so much as it is about stylistic techniques and support for these techniques. The book hopes to unite the research efforts of the partners and co-authors. Its contents include the traditional approach to animation, the use of computers in non 3D animation, and the extension of digital animation technology to live action.

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