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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Plasma technologies for textile, food, health and environment

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Environmentally-friendly plasma technology

A three-year project funded by the GROWTH Programme uncovered a number of prospects for environmentally-friendly plasma technology in the transport, energy and textile sectors.

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Nearly forty organisations across Europe gathered to form the PLASMATECH Network of Excellence under the auspices of the GROWTH Programme. Aside from networking and knowledge transfer, the PLASMATECH consortium also wanted to identify and promote specific plasma technologies that benefit the environment. Environment Park, an Italian science and technology park involved in PLASMATECH, researched existing patents as well as the relevant literature accordingly. They focused on plasma applications that reduce pollutant emissions to the environment, for instance during fuel combustion, or that remove existing pollution. For example, Environment Park found multiple research results showing that atmospheric pressure plasmas and plasma catalysis can limit emissions of particulate matter, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), greenhouse gases, etc. from engine exhaust. In addition, combustion efficiency and fuel economy could also be improved by introducing plasma ignition. Finally, replacing chemical surface treatments with plasma-based counterparts can help reduce hazardous waste generation. Looking to capitalise on these opportunities, Environment Park and its PLASMATECH partners are pursuing additional funding at regional and national levels as well as through the Sixth Framework Programme.

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