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One Network for Europe

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IT architecture supports flexibility in energy markets

Computer science and stakeholder input lay the foundation for a single-market energy system based on new grid services that prioritise flexibility.

Europe is striving to create an energy system aligned with its sustainability goals. When it comes to electricity, the need to integrate renewable energy sources puts pressure on grid operators to implement flexible practices. The EU-funded project OneNet worked with partners across Europe to lay the groundwork for an energy system that integrates myriad existing platforms.

IT architecture

Energy markets consist of multiple stakeholders. In addition to consumers, systems include generators, distributors and transmitters of energy. Adding to the complexity, different regions have developed as separate systems. A critical need of future energy markets is the capacity for efficient data sharing between all of these participants. To address the challenges of the European energy market, the project adopted a two-pronged approach. According to project coordinator Antonello Monti: “OneNet’s key contributions lie in two directions: the definition of a set of standard energy market products, and a corresponding IT architecture that will support their implementation.” A key feature of the IT architecture is the OneNet connector. Built on open source code, the connector has the potential to link energy market players in a flexible and scalable way. It is based on key standards such as IDSA and FIWARE. To capitalise on this achievement, OneNet plans to bring the connector to the Linux Foundation where an open source community can continue advancing the work.

Large field studies

OneNet conducted 10 demonstration studies in four clusters. Working with a large number of systems operating under different conditions was a desired feature of the field studies. Monti says: "The variety of demos gave important information on replicability and the challenges faced by operators in using OneNet’s technology.” A significant challenge was integrating OneNet technology with legacy platforms. The unprecedented number of grid operators involved in the field studies provided a unique opportunity for problem solving. Ultimately, partners found this process enriching, and they have confidence in the viability of OneNet solutions.

GRIFOn initiatives

The OneNet consortium included 72 partners in 23 countries. This large and diverse group was necessary to better understand the types of products needed in a pan-European energy market. In addition to developing IT architecture, the definition of energy market products was a major focus of the project. Reaching consensus about services, products and design in the energy market required a series of forums involving a multitude of stakeholders. The inaugural GRIFOn event in 2021 was a success, with over 200 participants. Since then, two additional GRIFOn workshops have brought together stakeholders for continued discussion. Two more GRIFOn workshops are planned for the near future. The forum has been an important tool for OneNet to publicise progress in achieving a flexible commercial platform for electricity and to gauge stakeholder interest. The GRIFOn workshops have also guided OneNet. Monti states: “We do not see communication as a unidirectional process but as an interactive process between the project and the power community in Europe.” Increases in population, ever-growing energy demands, the prioritisation of renewable energy and the rapid advance of digitisation all contribute to a complex situation in European power production. Through consensus building and open source IT architecture, OneNet is planning for a future in which flexibility and interoperability are at the heart of the energy market. Learn more about OneNet by watching this video.


OneNet, energy market, IT architecture, GRIFOn, OneNet connector, Linux Foundation, electricity grids