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Scientix 4

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Revolutionising education through the transformative power of STEM

An evolving European initiative on STEM education connects educators, policymakers, researchers and industry to change the learning landscape and shape tomorrow’s leaders.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) enables an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning by integrating these four disciplines. STEM education is crucial because it cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and innovation. It is also highly relevant in today's world, driving advancements in various industries such as healthcare, technology, energy, and environmental sustainability. In schools, STEM education aims to equip students with the skills needed to navigate the challenges of the modern world by integrating these four disciplines into the curriculum. It often incorporates hands-on experiential learning, fostering teamwork among students. The primary objective of STEM education in schools is not merely to ensure proficiency in these subjects but also to empower students to apply their knowledge in practical and innovative ways.

An integral European STEM resource hub

To effectively teach STEM subjects, educators require continuous training and professional development. The EU-funded Scientix 4 project is dedicated to supporting European teachers and stakeholders in STEM education through a range of activities, resources, events, and training courses. Over its 12-year evolution, Scientix has established a robust science education community in Europe. By refining its services and activities, it has successfully built a reputation as a key EU STEM education institution. This progress has been supported by various European ministries of education in conjunction with a range of EU and privately funded initiatives. Project coordinator Agueda Gras-Velazquez remarks: “These 12 years have led to Scientix becoming Europe’s largest network of STEM education professionals, and to the project now being independent and sustainable.” Scientix offers an extensive and centralised repository of teaching resources comprising hundreds of learning scenarios, research articles and practical resources. Collectively, these resources aim to expand pedagogical horizons and improve STEM practice as well as the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as individual subjects.

A community for science education

Through collaboration with the European Schoolnet Academy, Scientix offers training and continuous professional development for teachers via online courses. It has built a resilient network for collaboration and co-creation that involves an ambassadors’ network of 1 237 participants across 51 countries, which continues to grow. “Our ambassadors have truly become advocates for the Scientix values of collaboration, inclusion and innovation,” highlights Gras-Velazquez. Τhe STEM School Label, another key Scientix initiative, enables schools to optimise their STEM education strategies and share best practices with other schools in Europe. All activities and initiatives in the field of STEM education are showcased annually in the online STEM Discovery Campaign. Furthermore, Scientix is in the process of merging with STEM Alliance, a growing network of industry partners that will foster the connection between STEM education and industry. This collaboration between educators, policymakers and industry partners is expected to shape the future of STEM Education. “Just like in science, connections and networking opportunities nurture innovation in the field of STEM education, vital for open schooling,” emphasises Gras-Velazquez.

Promoting STEM careers

Scientix also introduces students of all ages to STEM career prospects through career profiles available in its repository. These profiles are enriched with detailed career sheets, immersive videos or dynamic podcasts. To further promote STEM career paths among students, Scientix aims to introduce STEM career advisers in participating schools. Moreover, a new optimised platform is in development, offering accessible resources, events, and opportunities.


Scientix 4, Scientix, STEM, education, industry, resources, career, repository, ambassadors, open schooling