Smaller, cheaper imaging device could make screening easier to access
The EU-supported FLASH project has demonstrated that it is possible to design a laser operating in the THz range that can be manufactured by using the process and materials compatible with those used in silicon-based microelectronics. These make up over 98 % of the global semiconductor market, making mass production possible. The device is a silicon germanium quantum cascade laser that is extremely compact and adaptable. “This cheaper, and more practical, silicon germanium THz platform would be a game changer for many THz applications. To reach a mass market the cost of a THz source would have to be lower than EUR 100 which is achievable for our device. “Given that the price range is currently typically thousands of euro, we are confident our device would be highly marketable,” explains project coordinator Monica De Seta, based at the Department of Science, Roma Tre University in Italy. Once realised, such a device would broaden the ways in which THz screening can be used – from easier medical access to wider use in the security realm. “For example, a skin cancer diagnosis requires an appointment with a consultant at a hospital. A significant amount of time can be saved if a safe and reliable point-of-care diagnostic technique could be employed at a local general practice (GP).” To be viable, skin cancer imaging systems for GPs would need to cost no more than EUR 10 000, with a compact light source emitting 1 milliwatt at room temperature. “FLASH has shown that the device we designed can meet these parameters,” says De Seta. “This is especially important as early detection is a key for high survival rates.” Wider use of 3D cancer imaging techniques would significantly reduce trauma and patient time in hospital compared to present biopsy techniques. Along with improving outcomes, fewer invasive procedures would reduce the cost for health providers. “The project has shown that by following the silicon-based microelectronics mass production standard, the technology can be cost-effective.”
Harnessing the power of large bandwidth communication
It isn’t only medical diagnosis and security that could benefit. The THz frequency band promises extensive bandwidth, resulting in a potential data communication capacity in the order of terabits per second. This makes advanced data communication towards 6G standard feasible. The bandwidth FLASH’s unit could supply is one order of magnitude above the millimetre-wave 5G (20 Gbit/second). THz waves allow for non-line-of-sight propagation and perform well despite fog, dust and turbulence. “In addition, the THz frequency band is not impacted by ambient noise arising from optical sources nor is it associated with any health restrictions or safety limits,” adds De Seta. Environmental sensing, drug development, production monitoring as well as semiconductor-based quantum computing could also take advantage of the team’s multidisciplinary work.
FLASH, screening, quantum cascade laser, 3D cancer imaging techniques, THz frequency band, medical diagnosis, semiconductor, environmental sensing