Open-source technology unleashes wave power potential
The EU’s Energy Roadmap states that renewable energy should make up at least 64 % – and up to 97 % – of electricity consumed by 2050. Wave and tidal energy remain an untapped source of power, which could prove critical to enabling Europe to meet this commitment. For this to happen however, the wave energy sector needs to achieve economies of scale and have access to reliable technology and a dedicated supply chain. One particular challenge is the fact that there is no predominant power take-off (PTO) technology. This is the technology within a seaborne device, such as a buoy, that is responsible for converting the kinetic energy of wave or tidal power into usable energy. “This is still the early days of wave energy, which means there are lots of different technologies around,” explains SEA-TITAN (Surging Energy Absorption Through Increasing Thrust And efficieNcy) project coordinator Francisco Garcia, CEO of Wedge Global in Spain. “When wind power got going in the 1980s, there were many different devices and inventions, before these technologies eventually converged.” Garcia sees the wave energy sector as following essentially the same path. Technological convergence is essential, he believes, to achieving cost efficiencies, which is why SEA-TITAN is focused on standardising PTO technology and making this accessible to all.
Reliable and accessible technology
The SEA-TITAN project follows previous work carried out by Wedge Global that addressed a common problem – the fact that PTOs installed in seaborne devices often tended to fail. This was in part due to the harsh environment in which they were expected to operate. Garcia and his team built a PTO out of copper and iron, which was shown to work well in the marine environment and provide efficient energy conversion. “Our aim from the start of SEA-TITAN was to build on this and develop a next-generation PTO that could be applied to multiple wave or tidal power devices,” says Garcia. “The technology will be open-source in order to encourage further innovation.” Designs for the next-generation PTO have been finalised and prototype construction is underway, in cooperation with Siemens-Gamesa. A key focus has been placed on increasing energy capture, in order to achieve high efficiency with low operational costs. “We expect to start to see some real results by the end of this year, when we’ll be able to move into testing and validation phases,” adds Garcia. “We are also currently developing associated power electronics and components to ensure that the PTO runs smoothly. The great thing about validation is that you always come up with new ideas or find ways of making things work better.”
Open-source innovation
One of the most interesting aspects of SEA-TITAN has been the fact that while this has been a private sector-driven project, the emphasis has been very much on open access to innovation. An External Industrial Exploitation Board (EIEB) has been created, with experts drawn from electricity generation utilities, renewable energy electrical machine manufacturers, energy associations and other relevant ocean energy stakeholders. “Anyone interested in this technology can join the board, providing them with access to results and the opportunity to be part of a new wave energy ecosystem,” notes Garcia. “This again will encourage technological convergence within the sector, helping to speed up innovation and eventual commercialisation.” SEA-TITAN is scheduled for completion in March 2021, by which time Garcia expects to see much more industry-wide collaboration, as well as positive steps towards technological convergence.
SEA-TITAN, ocean, sea, energy, PTO, wave, tidal, marine