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Revolutionary projector platform for virtual and augmented reality eyewear

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World’s smallest laser projector blazes trail for VR and AR eyewear

Until now, it hasn't been possible to build lightweight, sleek virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) eyewear, or smart glasses, because of the large size and complexity of the electronics and optics required. However, an EU initiative has built pioneering laser technology that will make commercial and industrial VR and AR eyewear products a reality.

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With EU funding, the REALITY project has developed a novel visible laser light source and projector for next-gen VR and AR eyewear designed for consumers and professionals. “We have created a revolutionary red-green-blue (RGB) laser that’s more than 90 % smaller than the solutions of leading competitors,” says coordinator Dr Tomi Jouhti. Laser projectors for beyond state-of-the-art AR eyewear Project partners integrated the RGB laser into the world’s smallest ultra-compact retinal scanning display projector engine that’s capable of providing a full colour 3D experience. The complete solution includes laser light sources, micro-electromechanical system imaging devices, adaptive optics, driving electronics, acceleration sensors, Bluetooth and wifi capabilities. With the REALITY laser projector engine, customers will be able to build AR smart glasses that are always safe. “We have the only eye-safe laser technology in the world,” notes Dr Jouhti. Laser eye safety has been a major concern in the industry. Thanks to the novel laser technology, it won’t be an issue anymore. “The lasers are totally safe for the eyes, even without any feedback electronics – they are inherently eye-safe.” Leaving competing products behind Due to the small size of the laser solution – RGB laser and beam combiner – it’s possible to create consumer-friendly eyewear that looks like ordinary glasses or sunglasses. By keeping the cost of material under EUR 100, the REALITY team will be able to offer the eyewear at attractive retail prices. The innovation promises a crystal-clear image day and night. The lasers provide zero visible background light unlike any other laser or light-emitting diode solution. There are no brightness limitations since the lasers are based on a non-linear effect. This is why the technology can easily control the brightness and image quality even in the lowest ambient light (night). Even during sunny days, the laser power can be slightly increased to provide a bright image, but still using 10 times less laser power than the eye safety limit. Current AR smart glass solutions are dim and can’t be used outdoors. The REALITY product enables a single prescription-ready lens solution for users needing correction. A thin reflective hologram – an important part of the optical path – can be laminated on any conventional lens. Most solutions require multiple lenses if the customer needs prescription lenses and wants to use AR smart glasses. These strong competitive advantages are bringing the innovative products to the market. “We have shipped laser projector prototypes to some of the largest consumer electronics companies in the world,” says Dr Jouhti. “They’ll get a better understanding of this new retina scanning display concept, how it works, why it works the way it does, and what the technology’s limitations and opportunities are today and in the next five years.” In the second half of 2019, the consortium expects to sign its first major deal involving AR smart glass products. Other agreements are expected to soon follow.


REALITY, AR, eyewear, laser projector, VR, smart glasses, lenses, RGB laser

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