EU-China cooperation in fibre optic sensors
The increasing demand for sophisticated functionalities in applications of fibre optic sensors has been driving innovation in the laser technology sector. Miniaturised and power-efficient sensors open up a fascinating array of applications and new market opportunities. The Aston Institute of Photonics Technologies (AIPT) in the United Kingdom and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China joined forces within the EU-funded project SOFST to boost knowledge transfer in smart optical fibre sensor technology. Project partners also applied for further funds on advanced optical fibre sensor devices and systems to support follow-up collaborative projects. The exchange programme for Chinese and EU researchers increased collaboration, capacity building and training. PhD students from both the AIPT and HUST were eligible to apply for the exchange programme. Project activities mainly focused on fibre grating technology, label-free fibre optic sensors for inspecting food quality, and functional nano and bio coating materials for enhancing sensor performance. Researchers demonstrated several dual-parameter sensors based on few-mode microfibres including Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), in-line mode interferometer, and reflective type sensing probe. Detailed investigation on the MZI led to the discovery of the microfibre’s dispersion turning point which is important for controlling its refractive index sensitivity. Researchers have also demonstrated a highly sensitive temperature sensor and an ammonia gas sensor based on a microfibre coated with graphene. Other prototype developments included a glucose sensor and a flour humidity and granularity sensor. Another project achievement has been the embedding of an ultra-short distributed Bragg reflector fibre laser into textiles. Such fibre lasers have been proposed for use in monitoring arterial pulse. The SOFST project’s research and development of fibre optic sensor technologies should enable China and Europe to compete with the United States in this field.
China, fibre optic sensors, sensor technology, SOFST, fibre grating, smart optical fibre