In animal experiments, the cortical and sub-cortical afferent connectivity of areas involved in the generation of eye movements, orienting and perceptive functions was studied in macaque monkeys. To this end, the polysynaptic connectivities between the parietal cortical motion sensitive areas of the "dorsal stream" (MT, MST, VIP), the vestibular cortices, and the cortical oculomotor areas (frontal eye fields, FEF; supplementary eye fields, SEF) was determined with conventional tracers and a transneuronal tracer. Among the vast data yield of novel findings revealed by these experiments, a particularly striking result is the unexpected demonstration that VIP/MIP receive prominent vestibular input directly from the vestibular end organs, by ascending vestibular pathways. These findings are in keeping with the existence of strong vestibular responses in MIP/VIP. Many neurons in MIP/VIP respond to horizontal rotation, and are strongly influenced by active movements, like second-order vestibular neurons. Until now, it was believed that vestibular input reached MIP/VIP only indirectly, via cortico-cortical (polysynaptic) projections from traditional vestibular cortical areas.
On the contrary, our results show unequivocally that vestibular input is also relayed to VIP/MIP directly via an ascending oligosynaptic vestibular pathway, i.e., from the vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglia to the vestibular nuclei, from vestibular nuclei to thalamic relays, and from them to MIP/VIP. These findings have important functional implications, since they signify that the intraparietal sulcus areas MIP/VIP should be truly regarded as vestibular cortical areas, and may play a much more important role in processing of self-motion detection than envisaged to date. These data are also important in light of the known alleviation of the syndrome of spatial hemineglect (following a lesion of the right-side parieto-temporal junction in humans) by vestibular stimuli.