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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-27

Insight inside: signal transducing protein machines revealed by subcellular single molecule spectroscopy and imaging (INSIGHT INSIDE)


The molecular basis of programmed cell death (PCD ) , a system common to both plants and animals, will be studied to learn more about signal transduction cascades. PCD is a process of cell suicide critical for development and tissue homeostasis of multicellular organisms. It requires sophisticated signal transduction machinery, controlled by an evolutionary conserved program. Understanding PCD is important for drug discovery in human medicine and pathogen resistance in agriculture. Shared features of plant and animal PCD will be used to deduce the primordial components of eukaryotic PCD To increase our understanding in this field, micro spectroscopic techniques will be used because they provide quantitative information on molecular interactions and dynamic events involving signalling molecules (SMD) , they can be used as high throughput methods and combined with other advanced imaging methods.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


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Binnenhaven 10
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Participantes (2)